Tuesday, January 16, 2024

(#5462) America, do not look away from what is happening in Ukraine!

      I am sure I am of little consequence in the world but I do feel the need to sound the alarm that the fascists are coming. As if you needed any further proof than the results last night in the republican primary in Iowa. The king fascist, trump, won handily in his election bid to be the republican presidential nominee. If approximately two thirds of republican primary voters in Iowa are unaware that trump is about to destroy democracy then you had better help them to understand that anarchy in the form of tyranny is what replaces it. Then think about how much your life will change when the normalcy of everyday life is disrupted at the whim of a malignant cancer like trump.
     What is forming in the USA is on par with what is happening in Ukraine. We can see the connections because Ukraine is fighting for their lives to keep the Russian dictator putin from marching across Europe and destroying democracy wherever it exists. The current republican party is holding up necessary military aid in our Congress and the lackey, Hungary's leader orban, who is a pal of putin, is blocking EU aid of a similar amount as the US aid package. Leaving Ukraine to scramble for weapons just to defend itself with no hope of any offensive actions. The fascists within the republican party are in league with other fascists in the world to undermine democracy and lift our individual rights away from us.
     Ukraine is the cauldron where democracy is being tested and if Ukraine cannot survive the Russian invasion then that cauldron will spill out onto the rest of Europe. Then they will be at the mercy of the rejuvenated tyrant putin. All Americans need to stop the ease of their indifference and begin to coalesce around the forces that are fighting to maintain democratic values like individual freedom and liberty. There is no more time for the ignoring of what is happening in all the world at this moment. We are now being tested for our resolve and we cannot show that resolve if we are choosing to ignore the test. American citizens, look to Ukraine and then tell me that other things in your life are more important!

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