Sunday, January 21, 2024

(#5467) Heartbreak about the missing indigenous women of Canada

     I have been sitting here at my desk for most of the morning and yet my mind won't focus on a topic. I did think of writing about the indigenous women in Canada that have gone missing over the previous decades but I am no expert on the cause and effect that tragedy has on people who are directly affected. I know that the government of Canada has attempted to answer some of the questions many families have had concerning their lost loved ones but those answers seem to fall short of solving too many mysterious disappearances. This topic may not sit well with those who cannot legislate or do the hard work of uncovering facts so a solution to find out the truth of things is less likely.
     All I know is that too many women, men and children of both sexes are too often not accounted for. The expansive geography of Canada cannot be easy to control and that does play into the nefarious nature of some who would take people for purposes not enlightened nor civil. I don't know a solution but I do wish we could find one for all of us. There is a rot in our societies that seems to be under the radar and is able to function in some ways without detection. How that is addressed while maintaining freedom and liberty is a complex problem. However, something must be done to identify those who are at their worst in taking people against their will, never to be seen again.
     Not all the missing are victims of abduction but to think that most aren't is to suspend reality. Something has happened to these people and finding out is a basic duty of any society that calls itself enlightened and democratic. The safety that society tells us is included in our membership of it must not be a broken promise. To think that if  some celebrity were taken and everything in everyone's power wasn't being done to find that celebrity would be treated the same as one who is not known much at all is ludicrous. Yet our societies react to triggers differently even though we are all members of that society. I don't know the current statistics of the missing but even so the ones who are still missing need to either be found or their families given the respect of accurate closures.

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