Friday, January 12, 2024

(#5458) Similes, metaphors, synonyms, and antonyms

      This morning my mind is racing all over the place with phrases, definitions, iconic in nature. I suppose I am in my element so to speak because I am often full of these types of thoughts that are easier to describe than the actual event. Example of a simile; I am as happy as a clam. Metaphor example; My mind is a well oiled machine. Synonym example; Peruse or to browse are two mostly alike words. Antonym example; Opposite words like strong with weak. It seems that these conceptional rules of language are always with me and churn out much of what comes from me in expression and word.
     Something else is at play within me and it is a light hearted humor that seems to dominate how I respond to most things and events that I encounter. I suppose also that it was an early on coping mechanism of my design to alleviate the uncomfortableness of life situations. Now somewhat thoroughly ingrained into my behavior I suspect that it keeps me from getting far too serious about things I care about and maybe that is sometimes another value I hadn't considered. A tempermint salve to reel me back in when I am angry about an injustice or inhumane event. Keeping my mind from exploding is always a good thing. :)
     We humans communicate through letters, numbers, and symbols for the most part and understanding our language and how we arrive at conclusions through numbers and symbols is a logical way to live a life of learning. Today I am focused on how my mind works with letters and the formula I default to when I try to define my thoughts with words. I will say this now and surely most will agree that I can be much more concise in my writing given that I have time to edit as I type whereas my mouth often has no editing feature in real time. lol. The English language is a complex tool and knowing somewhat the nuance of its defining features is a value that I cannot put a price on!

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