Saturday, August 31, 2024

(#5690) The voting starts in 20 days in Minnesota and South Dakota

      It is coming to us in just less than 3 weeks. After Minnesota and South Dakota the very next day Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia are voting in the early voting phase. Once those votes are cast the next 46 to 45 days will not matter to them. So what happens within these next 20 days will be the final consideration by those who vote early. What is on tap for the next 20 days? Well on the 6th of September the next monthly jobs report comes out. I expect that it will be a positive report for the Biden administration because he has the controls in place that have encouraged positive job growth for several years.
     The next big event will be the debate on September 10th. This may be the final occasion that many will settle their minds for deciding on whom to cast their vote. I didn't watch the debate with President Biden and trump but I expect that Vice President Harris will have a different strategy and vigorous energy. On the policies the democratic platform is solid and favorable to the working middle poor class. With republicans, trump is on track to reduce taxes for the wealthy and make stuff up that he thinks makes him look good. It will be difficult for him because he doesn't have a solid foundation for his falsehoods to be believable.
     On September 20th the early voting begins so what is left after the August jobs report and the debate to sway undecided early voters? Not much except the candidates themselves out on the campaign trail. What is important for the moment is which candidate is trending upwards above the other. We know that Vice President Harris is that candidate and if she can keep the pressure on trump with positive poll numbers trump will do things that hurt himself and republicans down ballot. We know that trump is self centered and must be at the center of attention. That will be his undoing over the next 20 days.

Friday, August 30, 2024

(#5689) We need a public social media outlet!

      I am tired of trying to adjust my social media to stop advertisements on my page. Not that an occasional advertisement isn't unwelcome but my page is about one third advertisements. Even in my notifications now when I get a red dot telling me I have some kind of response from a post or comment there are now advertisements in my notifications trying to get me to join some group nor sell me something. I get that capitalism is a good thing but not to be bombarded in it constantly. Which I why I think that a non profit public platform would serve the many of us much more than the constant incoherent algorithms that keep changing our pages.
     I am not worried about the big brother aspect of a public platform. What I say is really what I think and live so the more who know that the better. I am a fierce defender of democracy and if our government or an administration like the one trump is offering comes into power I will simply stop posting what I think is too sensitive. I get to choose that option not some private Facebook committee or algorithm that wants to control speech or protect some politician. All the regular rules apply for punishing liars and bullies and speech is better off for it. What we have now is a political partisan platform owner who is working hard to deny speech out of a fear that his preferred political agenda will be denied.
     In a public platform there will be no distinctions between partisans other than their views. Which on their own will stand the test of time or not. Not having to wade through the avalanche of advertisements that are aimed at us directly, which feels like a violation of its own, we could better serve the truth and facts of things while free from the invasive subjective eye of the current private sector. Growing the idea of free speech and its guarded privacy from corporate profiteers is much more preferred than the current complexity that has none of us as its partnered client but instead all of us as its information source. We see none of the profits from this arrangement but the private owner is exponentially enriched off of us. Let us all be part owner of a public information sharing platform that caters to us, not just profit for a few.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

(#5688) Rising to the challenge

      Some days are busy as all get out and others are as simple and uncomplicated as it gets. Knowing that both are extremes on the continuum of life is the key. That way you can handle both with the same aplomb regardless of their appearance. Today is one of those days where the busy is still busy and not a sedentary moment is encountered. But when you are in the moment it doesn't matter, you just do. I used to get so up and down over things and now I stay even keeled feeling fortunate to still be viable as a being. So rising to the challenge may be a bit of an odd title for this post but it does reflect the battle I went through to get to this point.
     Rising to the challenge is also what our politics is all about. Putting our best efforts into trying to help the most people is our call to arms and believe me, as I am sure you know, it is a battle worth fighting. Vice president Harris will give us all a chance to succeed at our hopes and dreams. She is fighting for we the people not the wealthy 1 percent. But let's be clear, she is not going to harm the wealthy 1 percent. She is going to make them participate in the democracy that has benefitted them the most. That is what our leaders should be doing. Keeping our society fair and growing. I am so excited by the prospect of a Harris/Walz presidency and I can still feel the energy of it.
     68 days from now is our election day. On that 68th day we will be casting ballots in every state that don't already have all mail in voting. Let me take a moment here to castigate those states that do not allow free choice to mail ballots instead of having to endure obstructive voting lines and difficult to attend voting centers. Democracy is ours not some republican officials who think they can make us not vote so they can have an advantage. Shame on them and may they be cursed with no votes for their dastardly efforts. Meanwhile the rest of us progress into our future by sharing democracy with all of us and letting the votes decide our future not some nefarious tricks to deny our rightful enfranchisement.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

(#5687) No rest for the weary

      It seems that there is so much to do and not enough time to get it all done. I suppose that is my usual modus operandi but today I feel like it isn't. I had another birthday recently which served to remind me that I am not the man I was even 10 years ago. Regardless though time moves on and so do my responsibilities. Just keeping up with my responsibilities is enough to fill my days leaving very little to no time for anything recreationally minded. That is okay I suppose but it does take a toll on my psyche. I tell myself that having a full agenda of duties is a good thing considering the alternative of not being around at all. So fortune has been my ally even if it is a struggle to hang with.
     I will endure though and discard the weariness in due time after the rush of things are accomplished. I expect though that a new rush of things will replace the current rush of things so there is that. lol. My attitude is good even if it is trying at times. I still see the wonder of life and have nothing else to compare to its marvel. I smile and feel good about my tasks and do them with attention and detail as they come to me. When the day is done as far as getting the daily chores and obligations done the sleep comes easy but haltingly. the older I get the less sleep I seem to get no matter how early I hit the hay. Tossing and turning is my fate with little ability to find a comfortable way to sleep.
     All this to say that busy is my new normal and tired is my due. I will survive this time especially now during the election and it's paramount importance to elect Vice President Kamala Harris as our 47th president. 69 days left, not at all unlike my age, until we can sit back and watch the returns come in. I have other periphery things going on as well and they will soon come to a close in this very near future. My health is okay but it is a battle so I have to keep myself from any undue exertions that could worsen the symptoms I am already experiencing. Tempering this moment in time with sensical decisions and keeping to a schedule that is beneficial to me and those I care for is my priority for now.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

(#5686) The end of democracy is when you vote for turmp

      I just don't know how many more ways I can say this. The republican party has finally gotten the candidate that reflects their innermost desires. It would still be innermost had they had the fortune of having an intelligent nominee who could keep his and their secrets to themselves. But the secret is out that the republican party wants to end democracy as we know it and make our democracy into an autocracy. They voted trump in as their nominee so make no mistake about the republican voter agenda. They want to end equality, freedom, and opportunity for those who are not them. It really is that true!
     For me it is a disturbing circumstance that ordinary working middle poor class citizens are among the voters for trump and his republican acolytes. It is as if they cannot fathom the difference between what trump says and what he does. They are oblivious to reason when that reason contradicts their previously held beliefs that trump is come kind of savior for the world. He is not a savior, instead he is closer to being the destroyer of our world. His monstrous agenda is about helping the wealthy obtain more wealth at the expense of the very folks who are voting for him. He doesn't tell them that but his policies are in line with it. I suspect that is why he calls his supporters basement dwellers. In no universe is that a compliment.
     In the meantime the rest of us who are aware of trump and his hypocrisies are constantly voicing our concern for the danger he represents. I have little faith right now that the trump supporter is going to change their minds about him but those who are undecided nust be shown through reason and logic that trump will harm them if given the presidency. We democrats have a wonderful candidate in Vice President Harris and getting her policies out there into the mainstream will only enhance her prospects. What is needed for our nation is to denounce trump and his anti democracy agenda. A blue wave vote that leaves no doubt about who should lead our nation must be made in order to preserve our democracy.

Monday, August 26, 2024

(#5685) 24 days until the first vote will be cast in Minnesota or South Dakota.

      There are 70 days and several hours left until the election on November 5th. With Minnesota and South Dakota starting their early voting 46 days before November 5th we can do the simple math and see that 70 minus 46 equals 24. That is how many days are left before the first votes in the nation will happen. The very next day, 45 days before November 5th, Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia will start voting. You can see how close we are to votes being cast. 24 days is 3 and a half weeks from now. So today being August 26th, which means there are 5 days left in August and September hitting the 19th day would be the first early voting day, 5+19=24.
     This is why every minute counts in the runup to this election. Minds are being made up right now so the opportunities to win over undecided voters is absolutely right now! They need to be contacted somehow with what they need to decide how they will vote. A lot of information has already been sent out in advertisements and rallies but the need to stay current all the way through to the end of November 5th cannot be stressed enough. Our donations will help immensely when we donate now instead of later because time is needed to work out how best to spend our early donations toward advertising and promoting the message of our democratic candidates, Vice president Kamala Harris, her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and democratic members of Congress.
     Volunteers in key battleground states need the financial help especially from us in the blue states where our votes are traditionally secure. In battleground states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and this year North Carolina, the organizing out in the streets contacting voters is crucial. They need help logistically and that is where our donations dollars are best well spent. We know the margins in too many battleground states in the past have been very close so we need to get every vote out that we can. The determined effort we need to make is what we all need to restore sanity to our democracy and end the threat of trump and his ambitions to make himself king.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

(#5684) I am not the savior of the world

      I at least tried and then realized that I am no savior. When you see illogic and try to correct that illogic with logic, you would think rational minds would agree. Yet with too many within the republican party that is not the outcome. They are not interested in the rules of logic nor are they invested in evolving their own thoughts. I quickly learned that for my troubles in using logic as a formula I was nonetheless berated for trying to change their minds with immoral and unethical traditions they were inculcated to uphold. It was like trying to bust up a boulder with a feather. No amount of explanation could convince those I spoke with that logic is how we get to facts and truths.
     So as quickly as I began as a savior type I changed back to not trying to be a savior type. I reckoned within myself that there are people out there who do not wish to change regardless of the truth and facts of things. So I don't waste my time on them any longer. Instead I continue to advocate for truths and facts through logic in my writings and oral interactions without trying to convince anyone of their veracity. I am no perfect soul nor some wise man who can sit on the mountain and dispense advice with accuracy and insight. I am however clever enough to know that logic can be our method for communicating truths, facts, and valid opinions without bias and prejudice.
     We, who see ourselves as some kind of hero type, and there are many of us, should not change from that basic instinct. However we need to know who to be a hero to when the circumstance avails itself. I learned the hard way that trying to help when help is not asked for is far less welcome than not. I do care and always will but my actions are now tempered and as such only those who truly want my help will get my best efforts. This somewhat rule of mine isn't set in stone as sometimes I can be of service to those who are desperate but those occasions are more immediate physical needs than navigating a mental awareness. I hope others are better at being a savior type to many more than I can be but I do know I am not one of those others.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

(#5683) Give Ukraine the freedom it needs to do what is needed militarily

      The restrictions on Ukraine to follow its best path forward to end the criminal invasion of its sovereign territory by Russia are choking Ukraine. They need permission to use some of the really devastating conventional weapons that have been given them by several western nations. Out of caution and reservation these western nations are concerned about an after effect that is more based in fear than in logic. I get that instability is a concern but the alternative is more misery and death for the Ukrainian people by a ruthless tyrant. So the decision must favor Ukraine's stance and not what Russia perceives as weakness on the part of the western nations.
     There is a longer game being played by the tyrant putin and his moves indicate that he will bluff us as long as he can in order to win out by destroying Ukraine and wearing down our western resolve to fight him. He threatens catastrophe but remember if he was to follow through on any nuclear action, our response to him would be the annihilation of him and his nation. So there is no zero sum game here because the world will continue but Russia will not. So trying to avoid that scenario is not only illogical but it denies Ukraine the chance to turn Russia against putin by taking the fight to putin where he lives. Bullies are full of threats but when faced with a hard steely eyed opposition they turn tail and run.
     Bullies would never harm themselves when flight is available. Same with putin, he will not destroy himself by launching a nuclear war he would perish in. No. So dismiss the fear of whatever worse case scenario is plaguing the west and follow through with courage and honor by ending the Russian invasion through conventional means. Allow Ukraine the ability to fight Russia without having one arm tied behind its back. Give Ukraine permission to use conventional weapons on Russian soil just like Russia is using conventional weapons on Ukrainian soil. This should not even be a consideration. Let fear dwell somewhere else because among the honorable fear has not one second of thought when the fighting is being fought!

Friday, August 23, 2024

(#5682) The finale, day 4 of the Democratic Convention

      The masterstroke that was the Democratic Convention culminated last night with Vice President Kamala Harris giving a speech that tied in all the themes from Day 1 through Day 4. A beautiful simply put speech that laid out her vision as opposed to trump. Her policies both foreign and domestic. Her principles for living and the character of her convictions. Her message was one of hope and joy contrasted with the deranged harm that would follow if she is not elected on November 5th. There can be no doubt about who she is and the strength of her leadership. Who she is reminds me of the best of who I aspire to become. Her strength to lead with a noble honor is powerful and unwavering.
     That Vice President Kamala Harris exhibited courage and bravery in the face of harm is now known and will quiet those who think she is not strong enough to defeat the foes in the world who threaten our American way of life. She can stand up to anyone who would make any and all of us smaller for their own gain. That quiet welcoming persona that is her presence belies her power as a fierce warrior ready to defend what is better and best about all of us has been unquestionably answered. The inner pride I feel for how wonderful our future looks with Vice President Harris as our new president on November 5th is an uplifting real emotion.
     The heart of democracy resides in the Democratic party and we are all about sharing our heart with all Americans who would feel that same heartbeat. It is clear that Americans of all political parties have one real choice this election. Vote for American democracy or vote for something else that is not the intent of our constitution. I know that democracy is the greatest form of self governing the world has ever known and it is only being protected by democrats. The last 4 days of our Democratic Convention made the case for preserving democracy and exposing those who are against the promise of freedom. So in 74 days we will know if America remains the greatest country the world has ever known or if the end of democracy has come and our union is about to be shattered. I suspect our citizenry is wise enough to redeem the beauty of our democratic leadership through Kamala Harris.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

(#5681) The 3rd day of the Democratic Convention

      I didn't catch a lot of the 3rd day as I was very tired yesterday after working all day at my part time job. But I did watch enough to see the theme of freedom talked about and the republicans who spoke about voting for America over party. I did also watch video's of the Winfrey and Walz speeches. I can say that the idea that we are just voting within our parties is shattered. We are voting for America and the ideals of democracy. It is plain as day that the concern on too many faces makes it so. In 2020 we were doing the same thing. Voting to protect our democracy and now we must relive that experience because the republicans are not done trying to steal our democracy and turn it into an autocracy.
     What is also apparent is that there is no doubt that our party is united. Because of that we are seeing independents and republicans join us in working to defeat a common foe. The republicans who are with us are not now democrats, this election is a one off for them. They are determined that trump never again will be our president. Once that is accomplished these same republicans will go back to voting for their republican party. With independents it is different. They are looking at whoever has their values best aligned. In this election I can confidently say that we the democratic party will win over most of them. Then the democrats ourselves only need to show up and vote and this election will be decided in our favor.
     You have likely heard all the catchphrases by now. "When we fight we win" is the best of them for me because it is absolutely true. All we democrats have to do is all of us vote and this thing is over. Yet we know that getting everyone to vote is difficult, especially when republicans are corruptible at purging our voters in states where they control the electoral process. Yet what republicans cannot control is our enthusiasm to make sure we are registered and reinstated where purged. We democrats are not fooling around at all. The republican party has bitten off more than it can chew and we will make them choke for it. Our democratic focus is steely eyed and indefatigable so no matter what distraction republicans attempt we are beyond that.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

(#5680) Democratic convention day 2 plus one other thing

      So yesterday watching the democratic convention I wasn't expecting as much emotion as day 1 of the convention provided. Yet I was again proved wrong. Just watching the roll call, which was a bit redundant in that we had already approved our nominee, charged my emotions once again. It filled me with such a hope of promise of what could be possible going forward. The excitement each delegation brought to the casting of their ballots and the information they provided about their individual states and territories lifted me to a better place. Something so perfunctory was transformed into an amazing gathering of happiness and promise. But that was just the roll call. Afterwards the speeches once again like on day 1 were delivered with such enthusiasm and excitement I kept thinking that this is who we are as democrats.
     I didn't watch any of the republican convention but I have no doubt at all that their delegates were not as enthused as ours are. The reason is simple. We democrats are on the correct side of logic, compassion, and a vision for America's future. The republicans are not about inclusivity, they are about extremism when it comes to their disdain of equality. The republicans are not about opportunity when it comes to everyone having a shot at it. They are not about fairness and justice as they support as shady a character that has ever been in our political lives and feel no remorse for his inability to be honest and have empathy. The republican party has to manufacture an empty joy and we democrats are bursting with the real thing of it.
     I was expecting that the democratic convention would prove worthy of us and inform the public of what our vision is for the future. I am confident that we are doing that in a wonderful fashion. I also now expect that we will continue that upward trend today and finish stronger than ever tomorrow. It is magnificent that we democrats are so united and focused on our vision and not letting our minor differences grow into obstacles to the greater good we desire. Oh, I did enjoy my 69th birthday yesterday. Although I had greater thoughts about our political party to fill me with a gladness I haven't felt since 2020 when Vice President Joe Biden beat trump to save our democracy for the first time and now again we need Vice President Kamala Harris to do the same in 2024.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

(#5679) Democratic convention night one

      In my mind I hadn't really thought about watching the Democratic convention because for me it is all about voting for every democrat on my ballot. So me being all in on our party wasn't necessarily in need of bolstering by watching our national appeal for undecided voters. Yet I did feel an urge to watch when it got to be about the time for it to start. I was busy then and missed some of the early speakers but I got caught up with the help of YouTube videos. The rest of the convention had my attention and did I learn a lesson. Just because I know the what and who, I didn't know the gut feeling of the presentations. That is what sticks with me. The passion and resolute focus of our party.
     For me it was brilliant. There were speakers who had flaws in their delivery, I suspect teleprompter technicalities, but otherwise the messages were heartfelt and full of conviction. Most of the messages by the speakers were about our future but not all. Some were leveled directly at the threat we all face with the republican party so willing to follow a grifter who has no loyalty to democracy. He was the aim of some of the more influential speakers last night and I know he will again be exposed for the crass uncaring soulless ghoul he is. But for the most part our party highlighted the policies that are our agenda for the future and spotlighted our leaders and their admirable qualities to lead.
     The biggest moment of the night however belonged to President Joe Biden. He was heralded last night for all he has done with his public career and how that reflected in positive changes for our citizenry. He was also heralded for his character and behavior. Joe is an exceptional man and his lifetime of achievements will stand out as spectacular. All that being said about Joe, he in turn had his own agenda, that being passing the torch of leadership to his Vice President Kamala Harris. Which he did wonderfully. The transition of power last night is in contrast to trump and his demanding power when he had no rights to it. We democrats are on the side of a noble honor that represents the best of what our founding foreparents could have imagined. Last night was just night one of four with more uplifting moments to come.

Monday, August 19, 2024

(#5678) If trump wins putin gets everything he wants

      There are a lot of social and economical issues that need rectifying to help the working middle poor class here in America as the wealthy have been having it all their way lately. They, the wealthy are not concerned with our American working middle poor class because that means they have to share in a just way their enormous profits off the work accomplished by the working middle poor class. The ultra wealthy for the most part quit being defenders of democracy because they think that their wealth makes them more special than anyone else. They have somehow misconstrued their hoarding of wealth as a sign of higher intelligence.
     However it is not and while we wait to rectify that domestic issue within our borders there is another aspect of leadership that is being under reported. That being our national security and the defense of our allies who are trying to protect their democracy. In Russia there is a tyrant putin who would love to conquer the world and by that I mean end democracy for good. He has a few allies in Iran and North Korea and one possible new leader, trump. If putin can get trump elected this November it would create a great gift to putin. His lackey trump is beholden to him. So therefore trump will stand on the side of putin over democracy for Ukraine and any other country putin sets his sights on.
     We here in America are correctly concerned with our own democracy should trump be reelected either by votes or electoral college. Either way putin will then acquire a major asset in his quest to dominate the world. If trump becomes president again we Americans will see our democracy torn down in the favor of trump becoming some kind of king of America. His own little fiefdom where he can treat his citizens as badly as those other tyrants do that he longs to join. An oppressive world is trump's vision where he is the privileged above all others. We citizens who would be casting our last ballots under democracy will then become either disposed of or have to kneel to his whims and wishes. Much like putin in Russia, we here in America will find that human rights and justice are at the mercy of trump.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

(#5677) Our American D-day is in 78 days

      In 78 days we, who are the children of our founders, will save our democracy and end an attempt by republicans to usurp our one person one vote right! This is what this election is all about make no mistake about it. There are policy agendas that need to be implemented and that is natural as time continues regardless of our duties. But our highest duty is to our heritage as Americans. We are more than the remnants of our ancestors, we are their promise. They gave us a better life when they spent theirs in sacrifice. They built a foundation upon which all could one day say thank you for our liberty, equality, and freedom to be who we are without having to ask for anyone's permission.
     In 32 days Minnesota and South Carolina will begin to cast early ballots for this election. The very next day, Mississippi, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming follow with their early voting. All of this to say that the election is coming hard at us so make sure you are registered. There are republican leaders in republican controlled states that have purged otherwise eligible voters off their rolls in a thinly veiled attempt to lessen democratic votes. Regardless of the republican attempts to reduce one person one vote, the rest of us are not going away. In fact even many republicans have tired of their party leaders antics and are aligning themselves with democrats in this particular election.
     A main reason being that most every democrat, more than a majority of independents, and a lot of republicans are voting for the Harris/Walz ticket is because the trump/vance ticket is out of step and honestly of little value to most voters. By little value I am being kind. The republican party is fractured because of trump and his being defeated is a win for democracy and a chance for republicans to reset their leadership toward a more republican main stream candidate in the future. They don't want trump to win and be saddled with him for the foreseeable future. That trump is pro autocratic and has disdain for democracy is what is befuddling the republican party and why they are at a crossroads with him.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

(#5676) Nearly 10 years of wasted time because of trump

     The world has lost these last nearly ten years all because a selfish con man has captured the imagination of a large set of dull people. He has played their dullness into a nefarious force that has altered our otherwise intelligent imaginings away from solutions to problems that were keen for solving. Instead we have not solved those problems, but he has added more problems to our agenda. His scope is clear, sow discord enough so that he can be a king and enjoy his narcissism to its fullest. It doesn't matter how he achieves his goals as long as he achieves them. He won't let anything, including truth, fact, other people's pain, or other people's suffering, get in the way of his delusion.
     Much like his counterpart in Russia, putin has similar personality disorders. But trump is here in America whereas putin would have been contained in the far reaches of Russia. Now both are a threat because trump is a threat here in America and is controlled by putin. Putting an end to trump's significance is what we must do quickly as we don't have another 10 years to waste on going backwards as it were. Life is in a constant state of evolution particularly we humans, so wasted time brings about suffering and pain where it isn't needed. Which is why trump must be stopped in November so that an uninhibited rule of law can then serve its purpose.
     In 79 days we will know the result of the election on election night. Maybe not surely but for the most part many of us expect a clear winner that night. So whatever it takes to make sure that trump is left on the losing side is what must be done before the votes are cast. Our planet is at stake along with every civilization on it. There can be no equivocation on this. A thorough trouncing is what is called for and that is what we all must work to achieve. He, trump, has conned his way into our lives and we must use the rule of law to vanquish him. That will only happen if he is defeated politically because he still has enough bootlickers out there in power to keep him from his long overdue reckoning!

Friday, August 16, 2024

(#5675) Life isn't about putting a face on for the public

      I have been really getting a wake up call lately as my work is asking more of me. Which is fine except my body is screaming at me to slow down. Yet I am not a very good listener it seems. lol. I am fine and will be fine as soon as this little crunch is past. But what I have noticed lately is my attitude about working in and amongst various ages of people. They are not cookie cutter prototypes either, A very eclectic group. I am mostly always cheerful with a positive comment no matter what the environment. I seem to have a knack to make people smile or laugh with my in the moment witty words. Not that I am some genius at this but I guess I am at the stage in my life where I can read the room fairly easily.
     Anyway, the mood is good around me and that is what I wanted to talk about this morning. The work is constantly out in front of me so I could just bury my head in it and disregard interaction with those around me that I come into contact with, but I don't. I do interact because we all need to be part of life and work is not an excuse to not participate. Some are easy to talk to and others are more difficult. Either way though my time is best spent being me and me is what I project. My concern is to have a positive influence in someone else's life. Friendly greetings, offers of timely help when needed, are two ways I begin my day and keep at it until I am no longer at work.
     Today is the last day of a long week for me and I will be happy for it's conclusion but in the filling up of this day I will be happy for the conversations and work accomplished. I seem to have found a way to enjoy my time and it shows. I don't wear a mask at work, what you see is what you get. I get to choose how I interact and it is with a smile to start. Because that is me. I am happy inside for the moments I have left to live and eager to keep them coming. It is a strange phenomenon with me in that I love being isolated with just my little world, but when I am out in public I am also a creature who likes to interact with whomever I come across with some kind of sincere and thoughtful acknowledgement and insightful positive observation.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

(#5674) We democrats have established our own narrative!

      The corporate media, polling sites, and the corruptible wealthy have one thing in common, their choice for who we vote for. They don't want us to make up our own minds, they want to make up our minds for us. Well that is not going to happen this time around, unlike in 2016. We democrats and like minded independents and republicans are not going to accept their subjectively slanted view news for trump and other republican politicians. We democrats have seen enough of the misery that the republican party distributes to know what to expect from them. So no matter what the corporate media, polling sites that always seem to give trump and his followers more love than us, and the corruptible wealthy do, we will do our own thinking!
     For most of us it is just knee jerk reaction. We have lived through the republican onslaught on our rights and equality. We don't need some ulterior motive laden cabal telling us that what we lived through wasn't what we lived through. Their disingenuousness is blatant and makes us see red to hear them defend the very thing we want to crush. So what I do is ignore all they try to do with their propaganda and pull any economic support from their various money making ventures. I won't support those who are lying to me for the purpose of making my and your life more difficult if not impossible. So it is with the vast majority of the working middle poor class. We already know the assignment as it were.
     In 81 days our national election will happen with many states having even earlier voting options available. That will be our broadcast of what we know will be and it won't jibe with the corporate media, polling sites, and the corruptible wealthy who will try to pretzel every vote they can for their candidate. They will have some limited success but not enough to persuade the majority of our voters who are intent on ending the run of trump and kicking out of Congress as many of his allies as possible. We democrats are ready to vote for our candidates and nothing the corporate media, polling sites, and the corruptible wealthy narrate at us will sway our mission to bring our democracy back to life!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

(#5673) The tide is turning against fascism (bullies)

      The forces in the world that have embraced fascism are finding that their choices to be power hungry, brutish and cruel are not playing well with the rest of the world. Democracy has shown itself to be a very popular form of government and those who try to wrestle it away are not very successful in their attempts. So nations like Russia and Venezuela are already occupied by strongmen who think with an ego aimed at themselves instead of outwardly toward their citizenry. Which is why fascism is finding itself highly unpopular. Yet having the power at the moment to dictate terms to their citizenry is an obstruction that must be overcome if Russians and Venezuelans are going to return to self rule.
     No democracy is safe from fascists who are ruthless in their tactics and for peace loving folks that fear of reprisal from fascists is real. The ordinary citizens is not geared up mentally to be challenged in life and death situations. Fascists count on that to be able to overwhelm and control. But we who will not cower to fascists, who try strongarm tactics, are more than willing to help those who don't know how to deal with fascists because fascism is just another word for bully. Many of us have dealt with bullies and succeeded in stopping them. We know the formula. We confront the bully, or in this case the fascist with our own call for them to back off or get ready to raise their fists because we will fight with a steely eyed vigor!
     Most of us want peace to reign on our lands and that is what we fight to preserve. But many have not had to fight to preserve peace and feel more fearful for trying. But know this, that fear you feel is no different than the fear I feel everytime I have to confront a bully. What I do is push past the fear and go directly to the solution. Defend what is right and if necessary fight in that moment to show I am serious and will not let anyone steamroll me into anything that is not correct. We must all find our line in the sand and then defend that line with all our steely eyed might. Sometimes we need help and that is good to ask for help because others of us know that together we can triumph over anyone who would steal our peace.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

(#5672) A very small selfish greedy vocal group of wealthy are the foundation of republican politics

      It is time in this drama to look behind the curtain like in the Wizard of Oz. What you will find is a small cabal of wealthy patrons of the republican party that have set up an apparatus like the heritage foundation to dictate to all republican candidates what their positions are. So if you think for one second that the republican party is for the working middle poor class then you are duped! The only political party that is for the working middle poor class is the democratic party. The current republican party is about propaganda for the masses while keeping their promises to the wealthy for tax cuts. Plus the added bonus of deconstructing our democracy so that republicans don't have to have elections anymore.
     Power is what republicans want because they know it is harder and more difficult to fool the masses with so much information available. They want to consolidate power over our government, change it to an authoritarian one so that we democrats will never be heard from again. They don't want a large energetic middle class to flourish because they are greedy and selfish enough to want it all for themselves. Instead they want a large poor class of workers who will fight over the table scraps they are willing to give. This may sound harsh but look at the facts. The republican party wants to shrink our federal government and take away hard fought for policies that benefit the working middle poor class.
     No more social security as a federal insurance policy for our elderly. No more medicare/medicaid for our citizenry who are underserved in health care as it is. No more unemployment insurance for those times when work is lost or unavailable. No more programs that lift the poor through food and shelter. Just no more government to look out for us when we need help. The republican party is about leaving all of us by the road with nowhere to go but to give up and stop being alive. That is the promise of republican politics so when this next election comes around consider what the alternatives are. With republicans you will lose your democracy, your vote, and your hope for a better world for the working middle poor class. With democrats you will get to keep your democracy, your vote, your pursuit of happiness, and a government that has improving the working middle poor class as its number one priority.

Monday, August 12, 2024

(#5671) The beauty of trump and putin imploding!

      For me the two worst human beings on the planet are trump and putin. Not in that order either. Both are equally horrible and the removal of either or both from our psyche is a cleansing we all in the world need. With trump for now the emergence of Vice President Harris as his foe has exposed his mind asunder. There is little if any logic to be found in the ramblings of trump. He is showing the world, regardless of the corporate media remaining silent, that he is not well mentally. His embarking from reality is more frequent than occasional. I have mentioned several times that his cognition is broken and in need of a long rest from the rigors of his more absurd than not imaginings.
     With putin it is more deserves than anything else. With Ukraine in Russia moving at will conquering territory while putin is emasculated, the payment owed by putin for his committed atrocities are due. Ukraine has brilliantly devised a strategy that not only has put putin in a corner but has effectively surrounded that corner with little option for putin to escape. The battle that had been raging in Ukraine for nearly 2 1/2 years is now moving to Russian soil. That putin put most all his defenses at the border with Ukraine his vulnerable Oblasts at the border with Ukraine were woefully defensed. With Ukraine breaking through at a very weak point Russia has found itself so spread out along a 1000 mile border with Ukraine that they cannot easily reform their defenses.
     Both trump and putin are stymied. Neither knows what to do in this current moment except to flail around making false statements to try to protect their own asses. Both are doomed to the reality that good people are tired of their cruel and brutish acts. Neither seem to be able to pull themselves out of the quagmires they find themselves in and that is a good thing. How this all plays out for both is yet to be determined but so far this is the worst situation either has found himself in. In the meantime the worst is yet to come for both which means that either now or later will be their undoing.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

(#5670) Ukraine has huge momentum against the putin invaders

      It is hard to know reality from speculation in the current fighting in Kursk and surrounding areas inside Russia but one can be sure of one thing. Ukraine is attacking and Russia is retreating. How much area the Ukrainians have captured and hold is not absolutely known but that Ukraine is moving forward into Russia is a fact. The only ones who are making statements about the Ukrainian incursion are the Russians themselves. It is hard to believe Russia since they are constantly promoting disinformation but in this case as it affects their own defense, the statements are backed up with citizens of Russia and some Ukrainian troops publicly posting clashes, retreats, and surrenders of Russian soldiers.
     By going into Russia where Russia has little to no defense, Ukraine is forcing putin's hand to either send in reserve reinforcements to the Kursk region or if no reserves exist, then redeploy Russian troops from front line positions. It seems from some satellite images that redeploying from front line positions is the option putin is forced to make and these redloyments are coming under attack from Ukraine because of accurate surveillance and pinpoint bombardment. This tactic of taking the fight to Russia has exposed Russia not only as a weakened power but with a general staff full of strategic failure. Ukraine has realized their strategy of making Russia suffer for their ineptitude is a winning strategy.
     How this will all play out in the next few weeks may well be determinative to how this invasion by putin will end. The Russian people are made now to feel the war they allowed to happen inside Ukraine. Well the war is now inside Russia and how that affects the Russian people's stance with the now increasingly worried putin cannot be a good thing for potin. What is also going to happen is a pressure release off the Ukrainian people because now Russia has to focus on protecting it's own territory and not just focused on trying to destroy Ukraine. A brilliant strategy by Ukraine to take the fight to Russia and for now it is working beautifully!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

(#5669) The insatiable corruption republicans are afflicted with

      It isn't just controlling women and female children and making them into livestock, it is also their appetite for serving them up for their own wants and needs. The republican male has an urge that they cannot control and so otherwise will let it happen. Instead of evolving into a mature honorable human being they would rather stay a debased soul that gives into its urges at the expense and harm of others. There is no equality in the republican psyche, there is only satisfaction played out over and over again. A beasts mentality that has no concept of right and wrong, only urge satisfaction regardless the cost to others.
     This is where their survival of the fittest concept rules. They take what they want and will keep taking until someone stops them. We democrats are the ones who are tasked with stopping them. Because we believe in equality. We believe in the rights of all humans to have autonomy over their own body and choices under democracy. We are the defenders of the ones republicans would disadvantage to their own uncontrollable desires. They are our mothers, aunts, sisters, female cousins, daughters and nieces. The republican male is out to make them all, according to their specific lusts, mere objects of their pleasure. Not as free human beings but as less than that.
     This is just one side of what the republican party has become over several decades of lacking personal discipline. They don't want to be told to act reasonably, nor with respect. They see themselves as the hunters and women and female children as their prize. This coming November it would be in every decent human beings interest to make sure that the republican party is overwhelmingly voted out of any and all public offices. They are the negation of evolution by description and no amount of hoping or benefit of the doubt will move them from letting their urges lead their actions instead of honoring equality.

Friday, August 9, 2024

(#5668) Find a purpose worthy of your soul

      Life is all about purpose. Once you get past the figuring things out stage then it is time to recognize what you yourself are all about. Not anyone else just you. For me it was simple. As a young person much less than 10 years old, I realized that I liked the good guys and rooted for them to win out over the bad guys. That has always stuck with me even though I spent too much time forgetting it. When I did come out of my fog as it were I knew that who I was when I first started out in life was what I needed to build upon going forward with my life. Since that time I have dedicated myself to helping in anyway logical and feasible to advance goodness and quell badness.
     I am a rough example of that because I am harsh and unrelenting in my approach but it works for me and allows me the freedom to express in the moment the truth and fact of things. I am no measured man for the most part although at times I can be. I am a shoot from the hip kind of guy too often and although that can backfire on me it hasn't been a problem since I am usually within my wheelhouse on the subject I am advocating. When you are correct you are correct so the method of the message isn't an encumbrance. Staying on point is the key no matter how any message is delivered. So helping to keep the good guys winning is my purpose and it is always welcoming when others who would attract to the same purpose become brothers/sisters in arms.
     There are many examples in the world of bad guys trying to dominate good guys. So when you are ready jump in feet first and advocate for the good in the world and denounce the bad, join the rest of us. We all have a place to ask and demand of our society so feel free to express your right to speech that currently is under attack by those who would remove our rights and our democracy. If we all are not allowed to be the special individuals we all are then our society is not one which allows all of us to pursue our happiness as long as it does no harm. We have our democracy for the moment but it will take effort from all those who hold dear individual rights and freedoms. We are all at a place in time where our best purposes in life need to be identified and then proactively actuated.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

(#5667) I pour all of me into my two day work week

      I am sitting here typing this post while also getting ready for the second day of my two day work week. It may sound like I am being ridiculous talking about anything that may be difficult about my short work week but I am feeling all the aches and pains of a physical life. I didn't sit behind a desk for a living. I was out into the workforce as a logger, framer, sheetrocker, and miner. None of these occupations are for the weak of body and for sure they took a toll on mine. Even with those laboring tasks I was athletic enough to play sports well into my forties which also put a strain on my bones and muscles. In other words I wore myself out in my youth and beyond so that now into an older age I am feeling the price of my occupational and entertainment choices.
     Not that that is a bad thing it is just what it is. So now in my twilight time I am reduced to working for two days and having five days off, which by the way sounds great. Be that as it may be though the two days I do work are given the same dutiful effort and attention I have always given in whatever occupation I endeavored. Because at the end of each of these days I am in far worse shape than I was as a younger man. Again, I am not complaining and instead am fortunate that I am able to exist on such a slim work schedule despite my older age. But the point is that I am not as strong as I was and it is taking a toll on me. I work much smarter now than as a younger man when strength pushed me through where strategy could be circumvented to save time and force provided instead.
     I will always take pride in any task given and when I am not able to complete the tasks is when I will find another occupation than the transfer driving one I have now. When I think about how my social security has helped me continue to live foundationally I am more than outraged at those republican politicians who want to end social security along with medicare/medicaid, that we paid out of our paychecks over a lifetime of work, when so many millions of us older population are now in dire need of such public insurance policies. My two day work week helps me make ends meet while not taxing my body beyond its current limitations. That is the reality for me of getting older as I prepare this month to add yet another year to my age.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

(#5666) The American electorate must make republicans pay for the insurrection on January 6, 2021

      The media won't make republicans pay. All they do is keep equating the two parties like they are the same. What would it take for the media to actually care about our democracy? They seem to have no limit to their tolerance for anti democracy politicians and their republican party. I know there are ownership dictatorial issues with most major news information outlets but the writers and journalists must find a way to stifle demands by the wealthy republican news owners. Otherwise they become propaganda, basically useful idiots in this very serious reality.
     How else will we the electorate find out what is going on other than our own resources and the few information outlets that are honest and honorable to democracy? We the people have a stake in all of this. It is our duty to deny profit to those who would deceive in order to rule. We have to go with our guts and accept what our eyes and ears are telling us. The republican party is not going to help the working middle poor class. The republican party is actually going to take rights away from the working middle poor class. The republican party would end democracy so that they never again have to contest an election against democrats who are fighting to preserve democracy through the right to vote.
     Every single voter has to understand what is at stake if not about to all of us at least to themselves. The republican party has made it clear that they want to help the wealthy gain more wealth. They will do what needs to be done, including taking from the working middle poor class to give to the wealthy. If you are religious and know the story of the 30 pieces of silver then you have the understanding of who republicans are. They have sold our democracy for the glitter of wealth while leaving the rest of us to carry a yoke further weighed with poverty. Never ever again give a republican your vote. If you do not heed my advice this coming election you will most likely find you have lost any and all future rights to vote forever!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

(#5665) As Ukraine is cleaning up it's society to join the European Union so should the USA clean up its own democracy

      The reason a deranged individual like trump can even be involved in our politics is a symptom of a greater concern, the lack of guardrails on our democracy. Our laws are not keeping up with current events so much so that there is no limitation to what chaos and mayhem trump can cause or incite that will keep him from running for our highest office. Even the crimes he has been convicted of do not stop him from running in this year's presidential election. When most all of us would be in jail or prison for his convicted crimes he still walks around under the dispensation of an unjust higher set of laws.
     Our American democracy has some holes in it that need mending. Which is what a patriotic Congress should be about. Yet with so many republicans in congress out to destroy democracy, nothing to improve our democracy is being accomplished. I have been relentless in proclaiming that all Americans need to stop voting for republicans so we can heal our democracy and get it on a path where true patriots to democracy can thrive. Look to Ukraine for several lessons. They are fighting a battle for their lives against what at the time of the Russian invasion was considered a superpower. Now they are cleansing their politics and society of the worst behaviors and showing us all how to do it.
     This coming election in November will be a great opportunity for a reset in American politics. If we can oust enough republicans from Congress while keeping presidential power, the stage will be set for a reboot to our democracy. It is well needed and will be accomplished by good souls who lead in the democratic party. The worst of humanity that is holed up in the republican party will be moot and the business of improving our nation can go on. Making our democratic union more perfect requires the vision of we democrats and our stance for equality, justice, and fairness to be lifted above privilege and favoritism.

Monday, August 5, 2024

(#5664) The struggle for democracy is not just in the United States

      We here in the United States of America are about to have an election in 3 months on November 5th 2024. The central, or core, question is whether we want to either let our democracy slip into a theocratic/authoritarian dystopia or defeat those forces and keep our democracy intact. The republican party is backing the dystopia while we democrats are fighting to preserve democracy. I use the term fighting figuratively when in comparison to Ukraine who is literally fighting for their lives every day for their right to choose their own form of government that is also preserving their democracy. Even the fighting in the form of protesting like in Venezuela is much more physical than the fighting we do here in the USA.
     Yet whether physically fighting or mentally fighting the fight, it is still active and real. In Ukraine the Russian led effort by putin to eliminate a cultural people from the face of the planet is akin to exactly what genocide defines. The Russian people are afraid of democracy even though they would benefit from it. Their leader putin, the former kgb agent, has them full of propaganda to in essence harm their own interests. You can see that with over 580,000 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine and still no outcry from the parents, wives, and children of those needlessly dead Russian soldiers. That one man backed by the kremlin can have such a deadly impact on so many people is abhorrent and should be stopped at all costs. With Venezuela the situation is as dire to democracy as it is to Ukraine.
     Venezuela had a fair vote but the lie at the final tally is not fair. When the opposition had twice the lead at the end of the incumbent, but the incumbent declares himself the victor, democracy is turned on its head. We here in the USA are girding for some trickery by the republican party to do something similar when our voting is done. Democracy is under attack from various sources so being vigilant and forthright about the deceptions that are happening or will happen is our duty in order for democracy to prevail in the end. With Ukraine the tyrant putin must not be given any dispensation, he must be given justice. For maduro in Venezuela, he as well must not be rewarded for lying and stealing and instead must be brought to justice through whatever it takes to remove him from power.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

(#5663) The decline of trump is obvious

      Not only are his political options disappearing, I can't believe he was even considered viable by the way, but his physical and mental options are as well. This whole trump reality is almost beyond my comprehension since he was appointed to the presidency through the archaic electoral college while still losing nationally by nearly 3 million votes. Makes you wonder how this can be called a democracy when rules like the electoral college have precedence over popular votes. Putting that aside for now though, trump is nearing a deranged persona with his attacks against his supposed allies in the republican party and his dissociation from present reality.
     There are still more than 90 days until the election. For me, as trump is declining, it seems like more and more each day him even making it to the election without having some kind of breakdown is 50/50.
I haven't even mentioned his physical impairments. he was an adult diaper to help hold in his discharges during his public appearances but they are not airtight as we have been informed. He smells of his discharges when in public which makes for a very uncomfortable close interaction with him. He has many quirks that are not physical particularly but are indications of his mental state. Like the obvious lifts in his shoes to make him seem a few inches taller when his height naturally is not an issue.
     There is a mental aspect to his character that informs us that an underlying phobia or psychosis hasn't matured to a corrected conclusion through time. Which he exhibits by acting like a bully child who must have his way and his thoughts of any empathy do not exist in a normal way. He is a wounded human being who cannot function as a wise leader of people because he lacks wisdom and care as foundational attributes. His natural state is not a normal one so when it is out of balance like it is now the evidence is quite incomprehensible. Yet it is understandable. The problem trump has is that he is falling apart in real time and those forces behind him cannot muster the necessary acts to ease him out of the spotlight for their own selfish reasons.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

(#5662) Waiting out maduro

      Dying to protect the will of the people is what is going on in Venezuela. More nations are joining the US in proclaiming that the opposition party actually won the election while the current ruling party is playing games with the truth. Meanwhile, like what should be happening when an oppressed people finally are ready to throw off the yoke of fear to reclaim their dignity, protests continue full throttle. There is a price to pay when a strongman tyrant will not let go of the reins of power despite being voted out. Scores of Venezuelans have already been killed and many others thrown in jail for voicing their right speak.
     The tyrant is holed up in his fortress still commanding the lackeys he has in place to do his dirty work but a time will shortly come when the military and police will tire of protecting the tyrant when it means hurting their own families and friends. The attempted coup by the incumbent loser is reminiscent of what trump wishes he had done in 2020. The dishonesty is abhorrent and many are paying with their lives. As time keeps going by however the Venezuelan economy is coming to a halt and a reckoning for that is sooner than later. The people of Venezuela have had enough of maduro and whether or not he decides to relinquish his unjust claim to power it will end before too long.
     Such is usually the case with tyrants. They would rather destroy the whole of their society than leave willingly. So as this impasse continues a formula for removing maduro is being devised so that the society of Venezuela may soon begin to operate in some healing function. It won't be with maduro at the leadership it will be with the winning opposition party. Much like what putin is doing to Russia, destroy it for his own ambition, maduro is the same. Yet he doesn't have the power that putin has/had to remain indefinitely. The Venezuelan problem is a world problem and needs all the world to side with freedom of choice or theft of choice. It will show itself shortly.

Friday, August 2, 2024

(#5661) As trump continues to stumble against Harris, she keeps rising

      I doubt that there are too many who could have foreseen this turn of events since President Joe Biden announced his decision to not run for a second term. Apparently Joe was one of the few who did along with his Vice President Kamala Harris. First Biden endorsed Harris with a full throated vigor and no reservation. He made the case for Harris by being unequivocal in his support. Harris for her part was ready to go from the moment Biden informed her of his decision and endorsement of her. She humbly thanked our president for the opportunity and then charged straight into battle the felon trump.She was stalwart and that was crucial in that the surprise of her choice by Biden was still a bit of a shock to the political world.
     Many political pundits had been saying that no woman could beat trump and many believed them. However, the energy Harris brought was remarkable and those who were still shocked and in doubt quickly found themselves less doubtful and curiously more open to Harris. If all Harris had was energy she would not have been able to sustain the initial enthusiasm around her campaign. But she also brought wisdom and intelligence which quickly translated into astonishment not only from her now aligned democratic colleagues but to the trump campaign. Her colleagues figured it out quickly that Harris was a force not to be denied in her desire to become our next president, while the trump campaign was caught out of sorts and to this very moment still haven't figured out how to respond to her momentum.
     Vice President Harris has not missed a beat in her campaign to become our next president. Her fundraising has been through the roof. Her consolidation of we democrats into a united party has been amazing all done within a 12 day span. What she is doing to the independents and undecided voters is textbook. Giving them an alternative to all the things they despise about the criminal trump. Her being a woman is not even factoring into many of our reasons for electing her. She is correct on the issues. She is a caring human being capable of empathy when empathy is absolutely the correct course. She is tough and undeterred in her stance to protect democracy and individual equal rights for all. In other words, her time is now and we are all seeing it come about.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

(#5660) Venezuelans are doing exactly what they should have done!

     When you factually know that you are being cheated in an election by the ruling party then protesting with all your might is the answer. Yesterday and the day before Venezuelans bagan to congregate at the seat of power in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, where the current strongman resides, who is trying to force his will against the will of the people. When people vote for change and the vote is dishonored the only real choice left, other than to be defeated, is to stop everything you are doing and go protest with all your might. It seems that the Venezuelans who know they were cheated have done just that. This last ditch effort to claim the rightful outcome of the vote is as democratic as the vote itself.
     As is clearly evident this isn't just some small group of people protesting who are privileged and entitled to think outside the parameters of logic and ethical choice, no, these are ordinary people by the millions who have had their votes disenfranchised. They have descended on the seat of power in all their geographical locations and protested under the claim that their votes were dishonored. The strongman maduro is not releasing the results of the vote because he cannot change them nor make them tally to his claim. he is stuck in a dilemma. The world is watching and the evidence of his claim of victory is hollow in the face of his not showing verifiable evidence.
     The people of Venezuela are going to win this battle for their right to vote and have their votes counted appropriately. The dishonesty of maduro will be exposed and his fate is not going to be a happy one. The will of the majority is about to become a fact and the liars who are complicit with maduro will also find their fate as unsettled as maduro's. Justice will have its day and it is because the will of the people is greater than the dishonor anyone can lay claim as an alternative. The people of Venezuela are showing that their power is greater than the theft of their oppressive leader. The people of Venezuela are showing the world how to deal with a tyrant who has tried to steal their dreams!