Monday, August 12, 2024

(#5671) The beauty of trump and putin imploding!

      For me the two worst human beings on the planet are trump and putin. Not in that order either. Both are equally horrible and the removal of either or both from our psyche is a cleansing we all in the world need. With trump for now the emergence of Vice President Harris as his foe has exposed his mind asunder. There is little if any logic to be found in the ramblings of trump. He is showing the world, regardless of the corporate media remaining silent, that he is not well mentally. His embarking from reality is more frequent than occasional. I have mentioned several times that his cognition is broken and in need of a long rest from the rigors of his more absurd than not imaginings.
     With putin it is more deserves than anything else. With Ukraine in Russia moving at will conquering territory while putin is emasculated, the payment owed by putin for his committed atrocities are due. Ukraine has brilliantly devised a strategy that not only has put putin in a corner but has effectively surrounded that corner with little option for putin to escape. The battle that had been raging in Ukraine for nearly 2 1/2 years is now moving to Russian soil. That putin put most all his defenses at the border with Ukraine his vulnerable Oblasts at the border with Ukraine were woefully defensed. With Ukraine breaking through at a very weak point Russia has found itself so spread out along a 1000 mile border with Ukraine that they cannot easily reform their defenses.
     Both trump and putin are stymied. Neither knows what to do in this current moment except to flail around making false statements to try to protect their own asses. Both are doomed to the reality that good people are tired of their cruel and brutish acts. Neither seem to be able to pull themselves out of the quagmires they find themselves in and that is a good thing. How this all plays out for both is yet to be determined but so far this is the worst situation either has found himself in. In the meantime the worst is yet to come for both which means that either now or later will be their undoing.

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