Monday, August 19, 2024

(#5678) If trump wins putin gets everything he wants

      There are a lot of social and economical issues that need rectifying to help the working middle poor class here in America as the wealthy have been having it all their way lately. They, the wealthy are not concerned with our American working middle poor class because that means they have to share in a just way their enormous profits off the work accomplished by the working middle poor class. The ultra wealthy for the most part quit being defenders of democracy because they think that their wealth makes them more special than anyone else. They have somehow misconstrued their hoarding of wealth as a sign of higher intelligence.
     However it is not and while we wait to rectify that domestic issue within our borders there is another aspect of leadership that is being under reported. That being our national security and the defense of our allies who are trying to protect their democracy. In Russia there is a tyrant putin who would love to conquer the world and by that I mean end democracy for good. He has a few allies in Iran and North Korea and one possible new leader, trump. If putin can get trump elected this November it would create a great gift to putin. His lackey trump is beholden to him. So therefore trump will stand on the side of putin over democracy for Ukraine and any other country putin sets his sights on.
     We here in America are correctly concerned with our own democracy should trump be reelected either by votes or electoral college. Either way putin will then acquire a major asset in his quest to dominate the world. If trump becomes president again we Americans will see our democracy torn down in the favor of trump becoming some kind of king of America. His own little fiefdom where he can treat his citizens as badly as those other tyrants do that he longs to join. An oppressive world is trump's vision where he is the privileged above all others. We citizens who would be casting our last ballots under democracy will then become either disposed of or have to kneel to his whims and wishes. Much like putin in Russia, we here in America will find that human rights and justice are at the mercy of trump.

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