Saturday, August 3, 2024

(#5662) Waiting out maduro

      Dying to protect the will of the people is what is going on in Venezuela. More nations are joining the US in proclaiming that the opposition party actually won the election while the current ruling party is playing games with the truth. Meanwhile, like what should be happening when an oppressed people finally are ready to throw off the yoke of fear to reclaim their dignity, protests continue full throttle. There is a price to pay when a strongman tyrant will not let go of the reins of power despite being voted out. Scores of Venezuelans have already been killed and many others thrown in jail for voicing their right speak.
     The tyrant is holed up in his fortress still commanding the lackeys he has in place to do his dirty work but a time will shortly come when the military and police will tire of protecting the tyrant when it means hurting their own families and friends. The attempted coup by the incumbent loser is reminiscent of what trump wishes he had done in 2020. The dishonesty is abhorrent and many are paying with their lives. As time keeps going by however the Venezuelan economy is coming to a halt and a reckoning for that is sooner than later. The people of Venezuela have had enough of maduro and whether or not he decides to relinquish his unjust claim to power it will end before too long.
     Such is usually the case with tyrants. They would rather destroy the whole of their society than leave willingly. So as this impasse continues a formula for removing maduro is being devised so that the society of Venezuela may soon begin to operate in some healing function. It won't be with maduro at the leadership it will be with the winning opposition party. Much like what putin is doing to Russia, destroy it for his own ambition, maduro is the same. Yet he doesn't have the power that putin has/had to remain indefinitely. The Venezuelan problem is a world problem and needs all the world to side with freedom of choice or theft of choice. It will show itself shortly.

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