Wednesday, August 7, 2024

(#5666) The American electorate must make republicans pay for the insurrection on January 6, 2021

      The media won't make republicans pay. All they do is keep equating the two parties like they are the same. What would it take for the media to actually care about our democracy? They seem to have no limit to their tolerance for anti democracy politicians and their republican party. I know there are ownership dictatorial issues with most major news information outlets but the writers and journalists must find a way to stifle demands by the wealthy republican news owners. Otherwise they become propaganda, basically useful idiots in this very serious reality.
     How else will we the electorate find out what is going on other than our own resources and the few information outlets that are honest and honorable to democracy? We the people have a stake in all of this. It is our duty to deny profit to those who would deceive in order to rule. We have to go with our guts and accept what our eyes and ears are telling us. The republican party is not going to help the working middle poor class. The republican party is actually going to take rights away from the working middle poor class. The republican party would end democracy so that they never again have to contest an election against democrats who are fighting to preserve democracy through the right to vote.
     Every single voter has to understand what is at stake if not about to all of us at least to themselves. The republican party has made it clear that they want to help the wealthy gain more wealth. They will do what needs to be done, including taking from the working middle poor class to give to the wealthy. If you are religious and know the story of the 30 pieces of silver then you have the understanding of who republicans are. They have sold our democracy for the glitter of wealth while leaving the rest of us to carry a yoke further weighed with poverty. Never ever again give a republican your vote. If you do not heed my advice this coming election you will most likely find you have lost any and all future rights to vote forever!

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