Saturday, August 10, 2024

(#5669) The insatiable corruption republicans are afflicted with

      It isn't just controlling women and female children and making them into livestock, it is also their appetite for serving them up for their own wants and needs. The republican male has an urge that they cannot control and so otherwise will let it happen. Instead of evolving into a mature honorable human being they would rather stay a debased soul that gives into its urges at the expense and harm of others. There is no equality in the republican psyche, there is only satisfaction played out over and over again. A beasts mentality that has no concept of right and wrong, only urge satisfaction regardless the cost to others.
     This is where their survival of the fittest concept rules. They take what they want and will keep taking until someone stops them. We democrats are the ones who are tasked with stopping them. Because we believe in equality. We believe in the rights of all humans to have autonomy over their own body and choices under democracy. We are the defenders of the ones republicans would disadvantage to their own uncontrollable desires. They are our mothers, aunts, sisters, female cousins, daughters and nieces. The republican male is out to make them all, according to their specific lusts, mere objects of their pleasure. Not as free human beings but as less than that.
     This is just one side of what the republican party has become over several decades of lacking personal discipline. They don't want to be told to act reasonably, nor with respect. They see themselves as the hunters and women and female children as their prize. This coming November it would be in every decent human beings interest to make sure that the republican party is overwhelmingly voted out of any and all public offices. They are the negation of evolution by description and no amount of hoping or benefit of the doubt will move them from letting their urges lead their actions instead of honoring equality.

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