Tuesday, August 27, 2024

(#5686) The end of democracy is when you vote for turmp

      I just don't know how many more ways I can say this. The republican party has finally gotten the candidate that reflects their innermost desires. It would still be innermost had they had the fortune of having an intelligent nominee who could keep his and their secrets to themselves. But the secret is out that the republican party wants to end democracy as we know it and make our democracy into an autocracy. They voted trump in as their nominee so make no mistake about the republican voter agenda. They want to end equality, freedom, and opportunity for those who are not them. It really is that true!
     For me it is a disturbing circumstance that ordinary working middle poor class citizens are among the voters for trump and his republican acolytes. It is as if they cannot fathom the difference between what trump says and what he does. They are oblivious to reason when that reason contradicts their previously held beliefs that trump is come kind of savior for the world. He is not a savior, instead he is closer to being the destroyer of our world. His monstrous agenda is about helping the wealthy obtain more wealth at the expense of the very folks who are voting for him. He doesn't tell them that but his policies are in line with it. I suspect that is why he calls his supporters basement dwellers. In no universe is that a compliment.
     In the meantime the rest of us who are aware of trump and his hypocrisies are constantly voicing our concern for the danger he represents. I have little faith right now that the trump supporter is going to change their minds about him but those who are undecided nust be shown through reason and logic that trump will harm them if given the presidency. We democrats have a wonderful candidate in Vice President Harris and getting her policies out there into the mainstream will only enhance her prospects. What is needed for our nation is to denounce trump and his anti democracy agenda. A blue wave vote that leaves no doubt about who should lead our nation must be made in order to preserve our democracy.

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