Friday, August 9, 2024

(#5668) Find a purpose worthy of your soul

      Life is all about purpose. Once you get past the figuring things out stage then it is time to recognize what you yourself are all about. Not anyone else just you. For me it was simple. As a young person much less than 10 years old, I realized that I liked the good guys and rooted for them to win out over the bad guys. That has always stuck with me even though I spent too much time forgetting it. When I did come out of my fog as it were I knew that who I was when I first started out in life was what I needed to build upon going forward with my life. Since that time I have dedicated myself to helping in anyway logical and feasible to advance goodness and quell badness.
     I am a rough example of that because I am harsh and unrelenting in my approach but it works for me and allows me the freedom to express in the moment the truth and fact of things. I am no measured man for the most part although at times I can be. I am a shoot from the hip kind of guy too often and although that can backfire on me it hasn't been a problem since I am usually within my wheelhouse on the subject I am advocating. When you are correct you are correct so the method of the message isn't an encumbrance. Staying on point is the key no matter how any message is delivered. So helping to keep the good guys winning is my purpose and it is always welcoming when others who would attract to the same purpose become brothers/sisters in arms.
     There are many examples in the world of bad guys trying to dominate good guys. So when you are ready jump in feet first and advocate for the good in the world and denounce the bad, join the rest of us. We all have a place to ask and demand of our society so feel free to express your right to speech that currently is under attack by those who would remove our rights and our democracy. If we all are not allowed to be the special individuals we all are then our society is not one which allows all of us to pursue our happiness as long as it does no harm. We have our democracy for the moment but it will take effort from all those who hold dear individual rights and freedoms. We are all at a place in time where our best purposes in life need to be identified and then proactively actuated.

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