Sunday, August 4, 2024

(#5663) The decline of trump is obvious

      Not only are his political options disappearing, I can't believe he was even considered viable by the way, but his physical and mental options are as well. This whole trump reality is almost beyond my comprehension since he was appointed to the presidency through the archaic electoral college while still losing nationally by nearly 3 million votes. Makes you wonder how this can be called a democracy when rules like the electoral college have precedence over popular votes. Putting that aside for now though, trump is nearing a deranged persona with his attacks against his supposed allies in the republican party and his dissociation from present reality.
     There are still more than 90 days until the election. For me, as trump is declining, it seems like more and more each day him even making it to the election without having some kind of breakdown is 50/50.
I haven't even mentioned his physical impairments. he was an adult diaper to help hold in his discharges during his public appearances but they are not airtight as we have been informed. He smells of his discharges when in public which makes for a very uncomfortable close interaction with him. He has many quirks that are not physical particularly but are indications of his mental state. Like the obvious lifts in his shoes to make him seem a few inches taller when his height naturally is not an issue.
     There is a mental aspect to his character that informs us that an underlying phobia or psychosis hasn't matured to a corrected conclusion through time. Which he exhibits by acting like a bully child who must have his way and his thoughts of any empathy do not exist in a normal way. He is a wounded human being who cannot function as a wise leader of people because he lacks wisdom and care as foundational attributes. His natural state is not a normal one so when it is out of balance like it is now the evidence is quite incomprehensible. Yet it is understandable. The problem trump has is that he is falling apart in real time and those forces behind him cannot muster the necessary acts to ease him out of the spotlight for their own selfish reasons.

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