Tuesday, August 20, 2024

(#5679) Democratic convention night one

      In my mind I hadn't really thought about watching the Democratic convention because for me it is all about voting for every democrat on my ballot. So me being all in on our party wasn't necessarily in need of bolstering by watching our national appeal for undecided voters. Yet I did feel an urge to watch when it got to be about the time for it to start. I was busy then and missed some of the early speakers but I got caught up with the help of YouTube videos. The rest of the convention had my attention and did I learn a lesson. Just because I know the what and who, I didn't know the gut feeling of the presentations. That is what sticks with me. The passion and resolute focus of our party.
     For me it was brilliant. There were speakers who had flaws in their delivery, I suspect teleprompter technicalities, but otherwise the messages were heartfelt and full of conviction. Most of the messages by the speakers were about our future but not all. Some were leveled directly at the threat we all face with the republican party so willing to follow a grifter who has no loyalty to democracy. He was the aim of some of the more influential speakers last night and I know he will again be exposed for the crass uncaring soulless ghoul he is. But for the most part our party highlighted the policies that are our agenda for the future and spotlighted our leaders and their admirable qualities to lead.
     The biggest moment of the night however belonged to President Joe Biden. He was heralded last night for all he has done with his public career and how that reflected in positive changes for our citizenry. He was also heralded for his character and behavior. Joe is an exceptional man and his lifetime of achievements will stand out as spectacular. All that being said about Joe, he in turn had his own agenda, that being passing the torch of leadership to his Vice President Kamala Harris. Which he did wonderfully. The transition of power last night is in contrast to trump and his demanding power when he had no rights to it. We democrats are on the side of a noble honor that represents the best of what our founding foreparents could have imagined. Last night was just night one of four with more uplifting moments to come.

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