Friday, August 30, 2024

(#5689) We need a public social media outlet!

      I am tired of trying to adjust my social media to stop advertisements on my page. Not that an occasional advertisement isn't unwelcome but my page is about one third advertisements. Even in my notifications now when I get a red dot telling me I have some kind of response from a post or comment there are now advertisements in my notifications trying to get me to join some group nor sell me something. I get that capitalism is a good thing but not to be bombarded in it constantly. Which I why I think that a non profit public platform would serve the many of us much more than the constant incoherent algorithms that keep changing our pages.
     I am not worried about the big brother aspect of a public platform. What I say is really what I think and live so the more who know that the better. I am a fierce defender of democracy and if our government or an administration like the one trump is offering comes into power I will simply stop posting what I think is too sensitive. I get to choose that option not some private Facebook committee or algorithm that wants to control speech or protect some politician. All the regular rules apply for punishing liars and bullies and speech is better off for it. What we have now is a political partisan platform owner who is working hard to deny speech out of a fear that his preferred political agenda will be denied.
     In a public platform there will be no distinctions between partisans other than their views. Which on their own will stand the test of time or not. Not having to wade through the avalanche of advertisements that are aimed at us directly, which feels like a violation of its own, we could better serve the truth and facts of things while free from the invasive subjective eye of the current private sector. Growing the idea of free speech and its guarded privacy from corporate profiteers is much more preferred than the current complexity that has none of us as its partnered client but instead all of us as its information source. We see none of the profits from this arrangement but the private owner is exponentially enriched off of us. Let us all be part owner of a public information sharing platform that caters to us, not just profit for a few.

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