Monday, August 26, 2024

(#5685) 24 days until the first vote will be cast in Minnesota or South Dakota.

      There are 70 days and several hours left until the election on November 5th. With Minnesota and South Dakota starting their early voting 46 days before November 5th we can do the simple math and see that 70 minus 46 equals 24. That is how many days are left before the first votes in the nation will happen. The very next day, 45 days before November 5th, Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia will start voting. You can see how close we are to votes being cast. 24 days is 3 and a half weeks from now. So today being August 26th, which means there are 5 days left in August and September hitting the 19th day would be the first early voting day, 5+19=24.
     This is why every minute counts in the runup to this election. Minds are being made up right now so the opportunities to win over undecided voters is absolutely right now! They need to be contacted somehow with what they need to decide how they will vote. A lot of information has already been sent out in advertisements and rallies but the need to stay current all the way through to the end of November 5th cannot be stressed enough. Our donations will help immensely when we donate now instead of later because time is needed to work out how best to spend our early donations toward advertising and promoting the message of our democratic candidates, Vice president Kamala Harris, her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and democratic members of Congress.
     Volunteers in key battleground states need the financial help especially from us in the blue states where our votes are traditionally secure. In battleground states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and this year North Carolina, the organizing out in the streets contacting voters is crucial. They need help logistically and that is where our donations dollars are best well spent. We know the margins in too many battleground states in the past have been very close so we need to get every vote out that we can. The determined effort we need to make is what we all need to restore sanity to our democracy and end the threat of trump and his ambitions to make himself king.

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