Sunday, August 25, 2024

(#5684) I am not the savior of the world

      I at least tried and then realized that I am no savior. When you see illogic and try to correct that illogic with logic, you would think rational minds would agree. Yet with too many within the republican party that is not the outcome. They are not interested in the rules of logic nor are they invested in evolving their own thoughts. I quickly learned that for my troubles in using logic as a formula I was nonetheless berated for trying to change their minds with immoral and unethical traditions they were inculcated to uphold. It was like trying to bust up a boulder with a feather. No amount of explanation could convince those I spoke with that logic is how we get to facts and truths.
     So as quickly as I began as a savior type I changed back to not trying to be a savior type. I reckoned within myself that there are people out there who do not wish to change regardless of the truth and facts of things. So I don't waste my time on them any longer. Instead I continue to advocate for truths and facts through logic in my writings and oral interactions without trying to convince anyone of their veracity. I am no perfect soul nor some wise man who can sit on the mountain and dispense advice with accuracy and insight. I am however clever enough to know that logic can be our method for communicating truths, facts, and valid opinions without bias and prejudice.
     We, who see ourselves as some kind of hero type, and there are many of us, should not change from that basic instinct. However we need to know who to be a hero to when the circumstance avails itself. I learned the hard way that trying to help when help is not asked for is far less welcome than not. I do care and always will but my actions are now tempered and as such only those who truly want my help will get my best efforts. This somewhat rule of mine isn't set in stone as sometimes I can be of service to those who are desperate but those occasions are more immediate physical needs than navigating a mental awareness. I hope others are better at being a savior type to many more than I can be but I do know I am not one of those others.

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