Thursday, August 15, 2024

(#5674) We democrats have established our own narrative!

      The corporate media, polling sites, and the corruptible wealthy have one thing in common, their choice for who we vote for. They don't want us to make up our own minds, they want to make up our minds for us. Well that is not going to happen this time around, unlike in 2016. We democrats and like minded independents and republicans are not going to accept their subjectively slanted view news for trump and other republican politicians. We democrats have seen enough of the misery that the republican party distributes to know what to expect from them. So no matter what the corporate media, polling sites that always seem to give trump and his followers more love than us, and the corruptible wealthy do, we will do our own thinking!
     For most of us it is just knee jerk reaction. We have lived through the republican onslaught on our rights and equality. We don't need some ulterior motive laden cabal telling us that what we lived through wasn't what we lived through. Their disingenuousness is blatant and makes us see red to hear them defend the very thing we want to crush. So what I do is ignore all they try to do with their propaganda and pull any economic support from their various money making ventures. I won't support those who are lying to me for the purpose of making my and your life more difficult if not impossible. So it is with the vast majority of the working middle poor class. We already know the assignment as it were.
     In 81 days our national election will happen with many states having even earlier voting options available. That will be our broadcast of what we know will be and it won't jibe with the corporate media, polling sites, and the corruptible wealthy who will try to pretzel every vote they can for their candidate. They will have some limited success but not enough to persuade the majority of our voters who are intent on ending the run of trump and kicking out of Congress as many of his allies as possible. We democrats are ready to vote for our candidates and nothing the corporate media, polling sites, and the corruptible wealthy narrate at us will sway our mission to bring our democracy back to life!

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