Saturday, August 17, 2024

(#5676) Nearly 10 years of wasted time because of trump

     The world has lost these last nearly ten years all because a selfish con man has captured the imagination of a large set of dull people. He has played their dullness into a nefarious force that has altered our otherwise intelligent imaginings away from solutions to problems that were keen for solving. Instead we have not solved those problems, but he has added more problems to our agenda. His scope is clear, sow discord enough so that he can be a king and enjoy his narcissism to its fullest. It doesn't matter how he achieves his goals as long as he achieves them. He won't let anything, including truth, fact, other people's pain, or other people's suffering, get in the way of his delusion.
     Much like his counterpart in Russia, putin has similar personality disorders. But trump is here in America whereas putin would have been contained in the far reaches of Russia. Now both are a threat because trump is a threat here in America and is controlled by putin. Putting an end to trump's significance is what we must do quickly as we don't have another 10 years to waste on going backwards as it were. Life is in a constant state of evolution particularly we humans, so wasted time brings about suffering and pain where it isn't needed. Which is why trump must be stopped in November so that an uninhibited rule of law can then serve its purpose.
     In 79 days we will know the result of the election on election night. Maybe not surely but for the most part many of us expect a clear winner that night. So whatever it takes to make sure that trump is left on the losing side is what must be done before the votes are cast. Our planet is at stake along with every civilization on it. There can be no equivocation on this. A thorough trouncing is what is called for and that is what we all must work to achieve. He, trump, has conned his way into our lives and we must use the rule of law to vanquish him. That will only happen if he is defeated politically because he still has enough bootlickers out there in power to keep him from his long overdue reckoning!

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