Tuesday, August 13, 2024

(#5672) A very small selfish greedy vocal group of wealthy are the foundation of republican politics

      It is time in this drama to look behind the curtain like in the Wizard of Oz. What you will find is a small cabal of wealthy patrons of the republican party that have set up an apparatus like the heritage foundation to dictate to all republican candidates what their positions are. So if you think for one second that the republican party is for the working middle poor class then you are duped! The only political party that is for the working middle poor class is the democratic party. The current republican party is about propaganda for the masses while keeping their promises to the wealthy for tax cuts. Plus the added bonus of deconstructing our democracy so that republicans don't have to have elections anymore.
     Power is what republicans want because they know it is harder and more difficult to fool the masses with so much information available. They want to consolidate power over our government, change it to an authoritarian one so that we democrats will never be heard from again. They don't want a large energetic middle class to flourish because they are greedy and selfish enough to want it all for themselves. Instead they want a large poor class of workers who will fight over the table scraps they are willing to give. This may sound harsh but look at the facts. The republican party wants to shrink our federal government and take away hard fought for policies that benefit the working middle poor class.
     No more social security as a federal insurance policy for our elderly. No more medicare/medicaid for our citizenry who are underserved in health care as it is. No more unemployment insurance for those times when work is lost or unavailable. No more programs that lift the poor through food and shelter. Just no more government to look out for us when we need help. The republican party is about leaving all of us by the road with nowhere to go but to give up and stop being alive. That is the promise of republican politics so when this next election comes around consider what the alternatives are. With republicans you will lose your democracy, your vote, and your hope for a better world for the working middle poor class. With democrats you will get to keep your democracy, your vote, your pursuit of happiness, and a government that has improving the working middle poor class as its number one priority.

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