Saturday, August 24, 2024

(#5683) Give Ukraine the freedom it needs to do what is needed militarily

      The restrictions on Ukraine to follow its best path forward to end the criminal invasion of its sovereign territory by Russia are choking Ukraine. They need permission to use some of the really devastating conventional weapons that have been given them by several western nations. Out of caution and reservation these western nations are concerned about an after effect that is more based in fear than in logic. I get that instability is a concern but the alternative is more misery and death for the Ukrainian people by a ruthless tyrant. So the decision must favor Ukraine's stance and not what Russia perceives as weakness on the part of the western nations.
     There is a longer game being played by the tyrant putin and his moves indicate that he will bluff us as long as he can in order to win out by destroying Ukraine and wearing down our western resolve to fight him. He threatens catastrophe but remember if he was to follow through on any nuclear action, our response to him would be the annihilation of him and his nation. So there is no zero sum game here because the world will continue but Russia will not. So trying to avoid that scenario is not only illogical but it denies Ukraine the chance to turn Russia against putin by taking the fight to putin where he lives. Bullies are full of threats but when faced with a hard steely eyed opposition they turn tail and run.
     Bullies would never harm themselves when flight is available. Same with putin, he will not destroy himself by launching a nuclear war he would perish in. No. So dismiss the fear of whatever worse case scenario is plaguing the west and follow through with courage and honor by ending the Russian invasion through conventional means. Allow Ukraine the ability to fight Russia without having one arm tied behind its back. Give Ukraine permission to use conventional weapons on Russian soil just like Russia is using conventional weapons on Ukrainian soil. This should not even be a consideration. Let fear dwell somewhere else because among the honorable fear has not one second of thought when the fighting is being fought!

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