Friday, August 16, 2024

(#5675) Life isn't about putting a face on for the public

      I have been really getting a wake up call lately as my work is asking more of me. Which is fine except my body is screaming at me to slow down. Yet I am not a very good listener it seems. lol. I am fine and will be fine as soon as this little crunch is past. But what I have noticed lately is my attitude about working in and amongst various ages of people. They are not cookie cutter prototypes either, A very eclectic group. I am mostly always cheerful with a positive comment no matter what the environment. I seem to have a knack to make people smile or laugh with my in the moment witty words. Not that I am some genius at this but I guess I am at the stage in my life where I can read the room fairly easily.
     Anyway, the mood is good around me and that is what I wanted to talk about this morning. The work is constantly out in front of me so I could just bury my head in it and disregard interaction with those around me that I come into contact with, but I don't. I do interact because we all need to be part of life and work is not an excuse to not participate. Some are easy to talk to and others are more difficult. Either way though my time is best spent being me and me is what I project. My concern is to have a positive influence in someone else's life. Friendly greetings, offers of timely help when needed, are two ways I begin my day and keep at it until I am no longer at work.
     Today is the last day of a long week for me and I will be happy for it's conclusion but in the filling up of this day I will be happy for the conversations and work accomplished. I seem to have found a way to enjoy my time and it shows. I don't wear a mask at work, what you see is what you get. I get to choose how I interact and it is with a smile to start. Because that is me. I am happy inside for the moments I have left to live and eager to keep them coming. It is a strange phenomenon with me in that I love being isolated with just my little world, but when I am out in public I am also a creature who likes to interact with whomever I come across with some kind of sincere and thoughtful acknowledgement and insightful positive observation.

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