Sunday, August 18, 2024

(#5677) Our American D-day is in 78 days

      In 78 days we, who are the children of our founders, will save our democracy and end an attempt by republicans to usurp our one person one vote right! This is what this election is all about make no mistake about it. There are policy agendas that need to be implemented and that is natural as time continues regardless of our duties. But our highest duty is to our heritage as Americans. We are more than the remnants of our ancestors, we are their promise. They gave us a better life when they spent theirs in sacrifice. They built a foundation upon which all could one day say thank you for our liberty, equality, and freedom to be who we are without having to ask for anyone's permission.
     In 32 days Minnesota and South Carolina will begin to cast early ballots for this election. The very next day, Mississippi, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming follow with their early voting. All of this to say that the election is coming hard at us so make sure you are registered. There are republican leaders in republican controlled states that have purged otherwise eligible voters off their rolls in a thinly veiled attempt to lessen democratic votes. Regardless of the republican attempts to reduce one person one vote, the rest of us are not going away. In fact even many republicans have tired of their party leaders antics and are aligning themselves with democrats in this particular election.
     A main reason being that most every democrat, more than a majority of independents, and a lot of republicans are voting for the Harris/Walz ticket is because the trump/vance ticket is out of step and honestly of little value to most voters. By little value I am being kind. The republican party is fractured because of trump and his being defeated is a win for democracy and a chance for republicans to reset their leadership toward a more republican main stream candidate in the future. They don't want trump to win and be saddled with him for the foreseeable future. That trump is pro autocratic and has disdain for democracy is what is befuddling the republican party and why they are at a crossroads with him.

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