Thursday, August 1, 2024

(#5660) Venezuelans are doing exactly what they should have done!

     When you factually know that you are being cheated in an election by the ruling party then protesting with all your might is the answer. Yesterday and the day before Venezuelans bagan to congregate at the seat of power in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, where the current strongman resides, who is trying to force his will against the will of the people. When people vote for change and the vote is dishonored the only real choice left, other than to be defeated, is to stop everything you are doing and go protest with all your might. It seems that the Venezuelans who know they were cheated have done just that. This last ditch effort to claim the rightful outcome of the vote is as democratic as the vote itself.
     As is clearly evident this isn't just some small group of people protesting who are privileged and entitled to think outside the parameters of logic and ethical choice, no, these are ordinary people by the millions who have had their votes disenfranchised. They have descended on the seat of power in all their geographical locations and protested under the claim that their votes were dishonored. The strongman maduro is not releasing the results of the vote because he cannot change them nor make them tally to his claim. he is stuck in a dilemma. The world is watching and the evidence of his claim of victory is hollow in the face of his not showing verifiable evidence.
     The people of Venezuela are going to win this battle for their right to vote and have their votes counted appropriately. The dishonesty of maduro will be exposed and his fate is not going to be a happy one. The will of the majority is about to become a fact and the liars who are complicit with maduro will also find their fate as unsettled as maduro's. Justice will have its day and it is because the will of the people is greater than the dishonor anyone can lay claim as an alternative. The people of Venezuela are showing that their power is greater than the theft of their oppressive leader. The people of Venezuela are showing the world how to deal with a tyrant who has tried to steal their dreams!

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