Wednesday, August 28, 2024

(#5687) No rest for the weary

      It seems that there is so much to do and not enough time to get it all done. I suppose that is my usual modus operandi but today I feel like it isn't. I had another birthday recently which served to remind me that I am not the man I was even 10 years ago. Regardless though time moves on and so do my responsibilities. Just keeping up with my responsibilities is enough to fill my days leaving very little to no time for anything recreationally minded. That is okay I suppose but it does take a toll on my psyche. I tell myself that having a full agenda of duties is a good thing considering the alternative of not being around at all. So fortune has been my ally even if it is a struggle to hang with.
     I will endure though and discard the weariness in due time after the rush of things are accomplished. I expect though that a new rush of things will replace the current rush of things so there is that. lol. My attitude is good even if it is trying at times. I still see the wonder of life and have nothing else to compare to its marvel. I smile and feel good about my tasks and do them with attention and detail as they come to me. When the day is done as far as getting the daily chores and obligations done the sleep comes easy but haltingly. the older I get the less sleep I seem to get no matter how early I hit the hay. Tossing and turning is my fate with little ability to find a comfortable way to sleep.
     All this to say that busy is my new normal and tired is my due. I will survive this time especially now during the election and it's paramount importance to elect Vice President Kamala Harris as our 47th president. 69 days left, not at all unlike my age, until we can sit back and watch the returns come in. I have other periphery things going on as well and they will soon come to a close in this very near future. My health is okay but it is a battle so I have to keep myself from any undue exertions that could worsen the symptoms I am already experiencing. Tempering this moment in time with sensical decisions and keeping to a schedule that is beneficial to me and those I care for is my priority for now.

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