Friday, August 2, 2024

(#5661) As trump continues to stumble against Harris, she keeps rising

      I doubt that there are too many who could have foreseen this turn of events since President Joe Biden announced his decision to not run for a second term. Apparently Joe was one of the few who did along with his Vice President Kamala Harris. First Biden endorsed Harris with a full throated vigor and no reservation. He made the case for Harris by being unequivocal in his support. Harris for her part was ready to go from the moment Biden informed her of his decision and endorsement of her. She humbly thanked our president for the opportunity and then charged straight into battle the felon trump.She was stalwart and that was crucial in that the surprise of her choice by Biden was still a bit of a shock to the political world.
     Many political pundits had been saying that no woman could beat trump and many believed them. However, the energy Harris brought was remarkable and those who were still shocked and in doubt quickly found themselves less doubtful and curiously more open to Harris. If all Harris had was energy she would not have been able to sustain the initial enthusiasm around her campaign. But she also brought wisdom and intelligence which quickly translated into astonishment not only from her now aligned democratic colleagues but to the trump campaign. Her colleagues figured it out quickly that Harris was a force not to be denied in her desire to become our next president, while the trump campaign was caught out of sorts and to this very moment still haven't figured out how to respond to her momentum.
     Vice President Harris has not missed a beat in her campaign to become our next president. Her fundraising has been through the roof. Her consolidation of we democrats into a united party has been amazing all done within a 12 day span. What she is doing to the independents and undecided voters is textbook. Giving them an alternative to all the things they despise about the criminal trump. Her being a woman is not even factoring into many of our reasons for electing her. She is correct on the issues. She is a caring human being capable of empathy when empathy is absolutely the correct course. She is tough and undeterred in her stance to protect democracy and individual equal rights for all. In other words, her time is now and we are all seeing it come about.

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