Wednesday, August 14, 2024

(#5673) The tide is turning against fascism (bullies)

      The forces in the world that have embraced fascism are finding that their choices to be power hungry, brutish and cruel are not playing well with the rest of the world. Democracy has shown itself to be a very popular form of government and those who try to wrestle it away are not very successful in their attempts. So nations like Russia and Venezuela are already occupied by strongmen who think with an ego aimed at themselves instead of outwardly toward their citizenry. Which is why fascism is finding itself highly unpopular. Yet having the power at the moment to dictate terms to their citizenry is an obstruction that must be overcome if Russians and Venezuelans are going to return to self rule.
     No democracy is safe from fascists who are ruthless in their tactics and for peace loving folks that fear of reprisal from fascists is real. The ordinary citizens is not geared up mentally to be challenged in life and death situations. Fascists count on that to be able to overwhelm and control. But we who will not cower to fascists, who try strongarm tactics, are more than willing to help those who don't know how to deal with fascists because fascism is just another word for bully. Many of us have dealt with bullies and succeeded in stopping them. We know the formula. We confront the bully, or in this case the fascist with our own call for them to back off or get ready to raise their fists because we will fight with a steely eyed vigor!
     Most of us want peace to reign on our lands and that is what we fight to preserve. But many have not had to fight to preserve peace and feel more fearful for trying. But know this, that fear you feel is no different than the fear I feel everytime I have to confront a bully. What I do is push past the fear and go directly to the solution. Defend what is right and if necessary fight in that moment to show I am serious and will not let anyone steamroll me into anything that is not correct. We must all find our line in the sand and then defend that line with all our steely eyed might. Sometimes we need help and that is good to ask for help because others of us know that together we can triumph over anyone who would steal our peace.

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