Tuesday, August 6, 2024

(#5665) As Ukraine is cleaning up it's society to join the European Union so should the USA clean up its own democracy

      The reason a deranged individual like trump can even be involved in our politics is a symptom of a greater concern, the lack of guardrails on our democracy. Our laws are not keeping up with current events so much so that there is no limitation to what chaos and mayhem trump can cause or incite that will keep him from running for our highest office. Even the crimes he has been convicted of do not stop him from running in this year's presidential election. When most all of us would be in jail or prison for his convicted crimes he still walks around under the dispensation of an unjust higher set of laws.
     Our American democracy has some holes in it that need mending. Which is what a patriotic Congress should be about. Yet with so many republicans in congress out to destroy democracy, nothing to improve our democracy is being accomplished. I have been relentless in proclaiming that all Americans need to stop voting for republicans so we can heal our democracy and get it on a path where true patriots to democracy can thrive. Look to Ukraine for several lessons. They are fighting a battle for their lives against what at the time of the Russian invasion was considered a superpower. Now they are cleansing their politics and society of the worst behaviors and showing us all how to do it.
     This coming election in November will be a great opportunity for a reset in American politics. If we can oust enough republicans from Congress while keeping presidential power, the stage will be set for a reboot to our democracy. It is well needed and will be accomplished by good souls who lead in the democratic party. The worst of humanity that is holed up in the republican party will be moot and the business of improving our nation can go on. Making our democratic union more perfect requires the vision of we democrats and our stance for equality, justice, and fairness to be lifted above privilege and favoritism.

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