Thursday, August 22, 2024

(#5681) The 3rd day of the Democratic Convention

      I didn't catch a lot of the 3rd day as I was very tired yesterday after working all day at my part time job. But I did watch enough to see the theme of freedom talked about and the republicans who spoke about voting for America over party. I did also watch video's of the Winfrey and Walz speeches. I can say that the idea that we are just voting within our parties is shattered. We are voting for America and the ideals of democracy. It is plain as day that the concern on too many faces makes it so. In 2020 we were doing the same thing. Voting to protect our democracy and now we must relive that experience because the republicans are not done trying to steal our democracy and turn it into an autocracy.
     What is also apparent is that there is no doubt that our party is united. Because of that we are seeing independents and republicans join us in working to defeat a common foe. The republicans who are with us are not now democrats, this election is a one off for them. They are determined that trump never again will be our president. Once that is accomplished these same republicans will go back to voting for their republican party. With independents it is different. They are looking at whoever has their values best aligned. In this election I can confidently say that we the democratic party will win over most of them. Then the democrats ourselves only need to show up and vote and this election will be decided in our favor.
     You have likely heard all the catchphrases by now. "When we fight we win" is the best of them for me because it is absolutely true. All we democrats have to do is all of us vote and this thing is over. Yet we know that getting everyone to vote is difficult, especially when republicans are corruptible at purging our voters in states where they control the electoral process. Yet what republicans cannot control is our enthusiasm to make sure we are registered and reinstated where purged. We democrats are not fooling around at all. The republican party has bitten off more than it can chew and we will make them choke for it. Our democratic focus is steely eyed and indefatigable so no matter what distraction republicans attempt we are beyond that.

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