Sunday, July 26, 2020

100 days left until the election (#4194)

     Today marks another block of 10 days behind us leaving us with 10 more blocks of days until the election. Also today marks the last triple digit day in the countdown. Well done all of us. What is becoming clear though is a diabolical plan by republicans to delay the next stimulus bill so that many of us who are clinging to a place to live will be forced out. What this does is change our voting status. No longer will we be legally registered at those addresses and we will then either have to change our voter registrations to some other safe address or be left off the voting rolls.
     I can easily see this as a strategy for republicans as they need to eliminate voters from voting to have any chance of cheating to win. What we have to do as the persons affected by this abhorrent strategy is to make it not work by getting a new registration safe haven that will last until the election. There is always a remedy to a problem if we want it bad enough so make sure that you know who is doing this to you and then find a way to make them pay with a vengeance! The republican party will harm the many of us without batting an eyelash if it means they can keep power. We cannot let them have their way at the expense of us being harmed.
     Another way republicans are going to suppress the vote outside of displacing us is using the protests as a vehicle to control where and how we vote. There are two schools of thought on how to nullify this threat by trumps to control our freedoms. One is to deescalate our protests at least near federal government buildings. Another school of thought is to keep protesting without causing damage in an attempt to keep the trump goon squad from attacking us and making it look like our protests are out of control so he can declare martial law. We must as the intelligent citizenry make sure that we are not used as pawns in his nefarious game to keep power over us. We cannot assist him with no thought to our own actions.

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