Sunday, July 19, 2020

107 days left until the election (#4187)

     The latest power play from trump, who no doubt got his advice from putin, is to try a coup with the help of federal police and patrol groups. This is not going to end well for trump in that his pitting Americans against Americans through force is not going to have the desired effect he wants. Instead it will awaken the American psyche to his murderous intent and those he thought would be loyal to him will turn on him at this red line. It is one thing for trump to be a traitor and murderer as they seem to be okay with that but when he implicates them into his actions then the horror sets in. There will be an accounting and only someone blind to reality knows that.
     So the fence sitters that trump is counting on to back him will begin to fall off away from him. He is toxic at this moment and unless they feel like democracy should end with an anointing of trump as a czar like putin then he is in for a rude awakening. It is either destroy our national heritage and join with trump or move out of the way and let the forces of justice and the rule of law take the despicable trump and what is left of his acolytes and put them where the sun shines not. I know we have a lot of troubles to correct after Joe Biden is elected president but as we do that we can also have our judiciary control a Nuremberg type tribunal to expose their crimes and deliver justice to the betrayers.
     We can do both at the same time, punish the criminals and restrengthen our society. In fact they go hand in hand as a reminder that there is no reward for putting greed and selfishness above democratic values. It will instill in our coming generations that to work to destroy democracy has a price that is heavy and excruciating to pay. We are better than the trumps and in 107 days we will begin his and his family's removal from our sacred city on the hill. I am so hopeful that the better part of our natures will prevail otherwise what is the point of hopes and dreams if they really are just an illusion? To move forward we have to convict the guilty of all their crimes while offering the citizenry a hope for a new America that shines for all of us!

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