Monday, July 20, 2020

106 days left until the election (#4188)

     60 more days until Minnesota and South Dakota get to start the early voting for president. We are finally starting to get real close to the end of trumps in our White House. Minnesota and South Dakota start early voting 46 days before the actual November 3rd date. Several states join them the next day and then the majority of our states follow with their early voting times. I cannot tell you how much it means to me when I get my mail in ballot here in California. I am not shy about saying that every democrat on the ballot will get my vote. Never would I even consider voting for a republican at any level of government.
     It is incumbent on me to say that some independents have my vote in particular cases, but that is more rare than normal. In most ballots I have filled out the democrats are the only ones who get my votes. The end of the republican party needs to happen in this election. Oh, they will survive but they will not be the same racist, misogynist party they have been in the past if they hope not to be buried with antiquity. Their embrace of the corrupt traditions of greed and selfishness has to end as well otherwise they are not even going to poll on an even keel with the Green party. If we have to have a two party system going forward I would prefer it be we democrats and the more liberal left of Greens. The right wing of politics needs to be crushed from existence.
     The liberal/progressive ideology needs to be our only ideology of leadership. Conservatives have shown that they are not conservative in the traditional sense. Instead they are a morphed nazi/confederate alliance that only favors authoritarian principles. We do not need authoritarian principles in our democracy, we need equality and fairness as absolutes. We have much work to do when this voting time is done and our government is once again by and for the people. But it will be happy work cleaning up the mess and punishing the guilty while creating a new society with virtues and ethics as our foundation. In 60 days that process starts and then in 106 days we will know that all our efforts over these last 4 years have not been in vain! Everyone vote!

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