Tuesday, July 7, 2020

119 days left until the election (#4175)

     There are now only 17 weeks left until the election. I think I like this counting the block of 10 days as well as the weeks. It won't be long before the weeks overtake the 10 day blocks and that will be a milestone for me as well. the point is I cannot wait for the election to get here and neither can the many who are just like me. We are worn down by the daily debacles the miscreant trumps keep laying at our feet. The very idea that our own government would be out to destroy us in plain sight is unbelievable and then believable and then resolved us to stop the madness!
     Yet our resolve has been running on fumes for a while now although we are not going to quit on removing the worst appointed president our nation has ever known. I will not list his inabilities nor his deceits but instead will let you know that we are going to make him pay for his "discretion's". That may well be one of the two main reasons we will keep running on fumes until he is voted out, his discretion's and his treachery. He was not smart enough to have hidden his behaviors from us when he turned his back on America to favor putin. If he thinks his crimes against our nation will be forgiven he is wrongly self advised.
     So 17 weeks and now less than 12 blocks of 10 days are left for him to stew and wonder how he will get out of this mess he has so dumbfoundedly created. I know, I just bastardized a word but that is what trump has done to my psyche. He has bastardized my thinking about what it is to be a president of the United States. He must not lose the election as the only way forward to not being charged in court for many crimes. What happens going froward from today cannot be something to look forward to but we can at least hope that the silver linings outweigh the punishing cruelty he is so adept at administering to us and the rest of the civilized world.

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