Friday, July 24, 2020

102 days left until the election (#4192)

     Sort of a milestone day for me as I have now had 14 straight years of sobriety. Enough said on that. :) So I am feeling kinda cool this morning without the normal distraction of what trump has done from yesterday and this morning to confound me. I am sort of less pissed off as I would normally be and that is a good thing once in awhile. However, do not take that as a weakening of my resolve to stop the out of control madman trump. I am just for today a bit less to my bone perturbed by his antics. He of course will always remain a pos regardless of how my own personal attitude is affected by the tides of life.
     So now I hear he wants to send 50 to 60 thousand goons to all our American cities of size in order to create havoc. I am not alarmed by this as I do believe he doesn't have that many goons who would do his bidding, let alone them being trained enough to carry out some diabolical plan he is irrationalizing in his little grey cells depleted head. Yet that is his mindset and regardless of his ability to create such a scenario I am prepared to accept that he will try something of that nature. He knows now that he is doomed to lose unless he can completely change the narrative away from his failures and our deaths. The economy and our health are in danger and he wants nothing to do with rectifying a solution. Instead he wants to change the narrative.
     I don't think it will be possible for him to change the narrative and even if he did, the opposition we have built up over 3 and a half years is not going to be swayed no matter what may occur. At this point in time it is almost assured that he will lose and the question remains as to how much. I am in the camp of by a landslide. Much like a close to 50 state rout with Joe Biden getting well over 400 electoral votes. That is just me and I am a dogged progressive who sees our America changing in our favor. Yet even I am a bit cautious and will not try to predict an outcome instead I will keep working to make the outcome happen.

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