Saturday, July 11, 2020

115 days left until the election (#4179)

     These last 115 days are going to be excruciating. The closer we get to the election the more sure trump will be that he has no chance in hell of staying in his appointed office. So he will be doing more and more outlandish things to upset the coming election while causing havoc within our democracy. We knew this all along as a benefit of us having the blue wave behind us. The trumps are getting the picture that it is a failing task to win this election and trump himself is resigning himself to the fact that he cannot win fairly. Which is something he really didn't do in 2016 with the electoral college bailing him out.
     So from now until November 3rd we will be seeing the most cruel and cavalier side of trump and his acolytes. However we do still have the House and many things can be thwarted by us controlling the house. The judiciary hasn't been the big trump enabler I am sure he thought it would be. So that is some cold comfort. However he is as reckless and obstinate as they come and if it isn't his way than the rest of us will be shown the highway if he has his way. Unfortunately he will be able to wreak his illogical havoc on us with we having little recourse. Yet 115 days is all he has left before Joe Biden is swept into power with the new democratic majority senate and many state house offices.
     I keep trying to look at the bright side so that I can help myself endure the trump barrage of hate and stupidity and it does help but each day trump does something that is like nails on a chalkboard and the screech in my mind never seems to go away. Life is like that and although the time is still some small distance out ahead of us it is rapidly closing and then also we have already endured 3 1/2 years of his insanity already so we should have thick enough skin to make it to the finish. Here is to us making a strong finish against the trumps and making sure on November 3rd that his only date with us in the future is in a court room.

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