Monday, July 27, 2020

99 days left until the election (#4195)

     Well now, we have finally arrived at 99 days until the election. We are in double digits for the next 90 days and then we are at the doorstep of our long sought change in our federal government. It may seem like trump will create enough chaos to destroy our democratic process of elections but he will not be able to get away with it. There are too many of us who are prepared to do what needs to be done to protect democracy from being disrupted. I will not go into specifics but you may consider that all our safeguards will be employed if necessary. I do believe that trump will not be able to push us to the brink but we must be prepared if he does.
     I think about how our society has been formulated and the best of what it can be under that formulation and that is exactly what I fight for. I will not accept the democracy we had previous to trump because it was more imperfect than perfect. What I want is a better concept that has rational and enlightened procedures that endear to our souls democratic principles instead of weakening them. I fight for all of us to have the real pursuit of happiness and that same principle being off shored to our allies and eventually our current enemies. but we cannot do that unless we ourselves are the fortress where democratic principles are loved and protected.
     Each of us has a duty to our nation and if you think that you can shirk your duty let me remind you that you were fortunate to be born in America. Where if you put your mind and heart into democratic principles your life can know no better reward of freedom and liberty. I used to think that ignoring my duty to my nation was okay. Because it seemed so easy to skate through life with all the benefits that afforded with none of the work required to keep those benefits. I wasn't the only one who used the bad in our society to escape. But I and those who were like me were fooling ourselves. We were abdicating the best of who we were to create a hollow society and now we are seeing some of that effect. I changed my ways decades ago but I have a hand in the bad that we have, and I for one will not let the bad win out the day any longer!

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