Thursday, July 16, 2020

110 days left until the election (#4184)

     Today will mark 64 days until Minnesota and South Dakota officially early vote in the general election. Several states start the next day and then a procession of early voting states stagger toward November 3rd. So although election day is 110 days from now the casting of ballots begins much earlier. What also today brings is an end to another block of 10 days. 11 blocks of 10 day periods until we have Joe Biden as our new president elect. For those who have been following me on this blog you know just how important it is for this time to pass and we are in a new era of government. The lack of leadership and the outright fraud perpetrated on us by trumps is unbearably excruciating.
     The only way he could have gotten away with this cruel and criminal behavior is with help from the Attorney General's office and the United States Senate. The Attorney General who is the head of the Justice Department, has been more a trump personal lawyer than a defender of laws for our nation. The Senate has also been a close ally with trump by not hearing evidence in the impeachment trial and rushing through judges instead of legislating with the House as is their duty. The disdain the republican party has for the rest of our nation is horrible and must be answered with equal or worse when the time comes after the Biden election.
     As to the election itself the time to end the trumps and the republican congressional officeholders time in power is then. We can do little in the meantime except endure the suffering the republican party is bottomless at administering to us so in 64 days we begin to fill out our ballots and make our choices. The time of trumps is nearing an end and for the sake of all of us who are left after that I say well and good for surviving the worst appointed presidency in the history of our American nation. So far has the idealism of equality, compassion, and intellectualism fallen with them that the recovery of all these things will take a bit of time to reclaim. Yet that will be a process that the many of us will cherish and protect.

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