Wednesday, July 29, 2020

97 days left until the election (#4197)

     Every force we the people have at our disposal must be ready to be employed to put trump and barr in a cocoon of sorts so that they are squeezed so tight that they can't maneuver. Those two are the problem and the only cure we have for now is to limit what they do. This is so important because the election is at stake. What those two might do to undermine our elections is worse than anything russia or any hacker may try. We are under an assault by this current administration unlike anything we have had to endure since World War II. The tension right now is more than psychological it is being felt physically by our protesters in several states.
     I know there is real concern about a stimulus package that will alleviate tens of millions of fears for life as we know it but even worse is losing our democracy to a madman who would then extinguish our constitution and bill of rights and turn us into russia or worse nazi Germany of 1940. What legal maneuverings we have will have to be good enough to survive these last 97 days until Joe Biden is elected and then the 78 days of lame duck time left for trump. Whether we have to help each other in every way possible or defy the law to stay in our domiciles we must find a way to keep our heads up and our spirits in order so that this battle for the soul of our nation is not lost to a two bit conman and his ass sucking sycophants.
     We know the problem so what we have to do is stay level headed and work to solve it. One problem solved at a time and before you know it we will be at the election day. 97 days will fly by so make sure we are all prepared to participate without fail. There is absolutely nothing more important in the existence of time and space for our human population here in America than to vote in this coming election. Nothing! No personal agendas nor business opportunities are as important as the continued advancement of our democracy! This is not a drill nor a conspiracy theory. There are already too many who are not taking any of this seriously which can be measured by the current polling. Why every American is not abhorred at the current state of the administration of our federal government is why those of us who are aware must never relent nor give into a false sense of security.

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