Monday, July 13, 2020

113 days until the election (#4181)

     It seems like it was just last October and I was starting to get excited about the countdown being almost less than a year for the election. I was looking out ahead at the months and knowing that as each new month passed it would be the last month we had as trump as the appointed president. I now that he gets to serve until January 20, but those lame duck months would not be the same as him being the defeated sitting appointed president. I thought that we had to get through the months of December and January with their 31 days each and then the little addition of a day to the leap year February. They seemed kind of far off but close enough.
     Then I remember getting to March and thinking that once again we have to survive 31 days and then April with its 30 days. But I knew that we still had a stretch of 31 day months ahead which made me feel a little bit more burdened with the time left to endure the trumps. But now we are in July and when this month and the next month of August and their 31 days each are done, we will actually be in the heart of the presidential campaign. From September 1st until the November 3rd there are only 63 days until the election. It really does help me deal with this current disastrous era of trump using numbers in many different ways to get eventually to the same place, November 3rd.
     113 days left is just 2 weeks until we are at 99 days left. I cannot tell you how wonderful it will feel to know that we are so close to being under 3 digits in our countdown but know this it will be a special kind of wonderful with even more higher levels of wonderful to come. Because I am not like those who constantly keep telling us to forget the polls and even the evidence in front of our faces. They are not wrong in their caution but some of us have both covered, where we are relentless in our efforts to keep our blue wave tsunami afloat but also are thriving in the fact that we the democratic party are burying trump and his republican cabal of acolytes!

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