Tuesday, July 21, 2020

105 days until the next election (#4189)

     105 days marks 15 weeks left until the election. This time is most excruciating getting through but with really a short time left we can muster through it. The trumps are a devious lot and will rile our senses to no end but regardless to give in to the sheer volume of their intent to defeat us would be to waste the nearly four years we have struggled to survive his onslaught. I for one am not ready to succumb to their strategy to physically and emotionally wear us down so that they can keep running roughshod over us for the foreseeable future. What we have already endured has made us stronger in our approach to overcome trump and the victory that will bring in so short a time will help heal the ever lasting wounds we have received because of him.
     I say ever lasting because he has done a damage that is not going to be wiped from our memories ever. Those of us who have lived through it will be scarred and until a whole new generational population has replaced us will the stain of his appointed presidency be removed. I don't know why this has happened to us here in America but for the most part it is a reflection of what we allowed. We didn't stop the insanity of trump when it first appeared and even now too many of us are still defending him. Not enough to keep him in power but far too many to dismiss. Our American society has been inured with a callous uncaring that I thought could not exist here. Our democracy has been hollowed out by forces that define the worst of what a human can become.
     But there are more of us who still hold democracy dear and like our rebellious forefathers/mothers who fought for independence we will not quit until the task of protecting and improving our democracy has been achieved. At least we can see the finish line ahead and in 105 days we begin to realize the fruits of our labors. Every day the drudgery of finding out what harmful thing the trumps have done to us is and like every day before today we dealt with it in a defiance that underlies our resolve. I am tired like all the rest of us who have not allowed ourselves to be bent kneed to trumps. Those of us who have since the beginning of the nightmare on November 8th 2016 are still many and should draw strength from the fact that trump is soon to be nothing more than a horrible footnote in our otherwise progressive American history.

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