Wednesday, July 22, 2020

104 days left until the election (#4190)

     The looming economic disaster that will crush our economy is the end of the Cares Act which is due to expire in a few days. With no replacement at the moment the dire need of tens of millions of Americans will start if it hasn't already to manifest in ways that will break our hearts. Evicted, with no money coming in will cause a disaster for out communities and local governments. The toll it will take will be like we were attacked from a foreign entity, in this case trump and his acolytes. This will be a self administered suffering that did not have to happen. The republicans in the senate are the authors of this and the inspiration comes from trump.
     Now I could be just whistling past the graveyard and a new law will emerge in the next few days but that doesn't fit into the republican narrative of causing the working middle poor class the most harm whenever possible. Yet the stakes are very high at the moment because we have an election in a handful of weeks and the anger building in our majority voting class is already high. It would be good advice for republicans to end their insanity for a moment and help the american electorate overcome the effects of the trump virus. If not then the need for a civilized society to remain so will be hard pressed.
     If not by the end of this week a stimulus law isn't passed then it may be too late to save too many millions who will be forced from their homes because trump did little to nothing to stop the virus from ravaging our economy. This is all on him and that he doesn't or won't admit it to at least himself is our sword to fall on. He must force his party to acquiesce otherwise he will be facing much more than a economy in free fall. The pitchforks and torches are not out of the question and his ability to remain in office will become a topic of conversation beyond the pleasantries already expressed. A stimulus like the Heroes Act already passed in the House is needed and if not then the alternative is a far cry from enlightenment.

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