Thursday, July 9, 2020

117 days left until the election (#4177)

     Two important decisions were handed down today on the last day of decisions from the Supreme Court this year. The first being a close victory for An Oklahoma native American tribe in it's demand that a treaty with the United States be upheld. It was, and for that at least a right conclusion was reached. So many times the US has nullified it's legal treaties with native American tribes because the cost was deemed too great to bear. Well not this time and although it has no effect on me personally it does satisfy the honorable within me to see this outcome. Just because we the US made a treaty that is hard to swallow doesn't mean we can spit it out and renege at our convenience.
     The second case is actually 2 cases and they are about trump's tax returns. The high court was able to successfully punt on both these cases but with a slight favoring going to Congress and the state of New York. More adjudication is required for both but there is a 4 part test now that must be satisfied before trump's taxes are given to the prevailing authorities. Which for the most part likely will happen but won't be but may still happen before the election. The significance of the viewing of trump's tax returns is to find out if he committed fraud in his tax return reporting of the Stormy Daniels payouts. Fraud is a serious charge and if so trump faces criminal action.
     But not only were there these court cases but the latest weekly unemployment claims came in this morning at just over 1.3 million new claims for last week. The 16th straight week where the unemployment claims have been over a million. Since the virus outbreak the weekly numbers seem stable however consider that usually before the outbreak the unemployment claims were never much more than a couple of 100,000 a week. Joe Biden came out to give a speech that was extremely intelligent and went to the heart of the problems we face as a nation. His narrative included solutions and a coming together to not only supply the means for recovery but for the cooperation it will take for our nation to recover from out latest malfeasance and incompetence coming from a republican, in this case, appointed president.

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