Saturday, July 4, 2020

122 days until the election (#4172)

     I didn't watch any of the campaign cult gathering of trump last night and I assume nothing changed from their desire to infect many people with Covid-19 as a door prize so to speak. We won't know for about at least a week just how many more folks are now infected because trump wanted a particular cult gathering that fit into his narrative, somewhat uncomfortably, of protecting confederate monuments. I had better things to do like binge watch a subtitled Swedish crime series on Hulu. I had a friend last night all but throw in the towel on trying to give trump any degree of doubt about his obvious moronic and dangerous thinking and behavior.
     I had little to add to my friends conclusion other than to say that I am so weary of having to be part of it and watch it from afar. This time in our history has been the most grueling of times to suffer through mentally and as well somewhat physically. The mental suffering part is probably the most difficult thing to keep together. Every fucking day trump does something that pierces the heart of our nation and every fucking day we are forced to accept it because the Justice department no longer serves America, it now only serves trump. For that bill barr will be eviscerated in due time for his collusion with trump and he is so ingrained now with trump that he will go down with the ship trump is currently navigating toward the shoals of destruction on November 3rd.
     122 days left until the great day of voting and the blue wave tsunami that is coming. I hear folks telling me every day that we can't look at the polls nor feel confident that we are going to win in November and I do get their caution. But for me it is every day look at the polling and every day find the reassurance from not only their snapshot in time analysis but from the confidence it gives me that America is done with trumps. I have been under such a heavy burden, as has the many of us, for so long that I don't take anything for granted not even good news, although it is confirmation that we are doing our due diligence. Because there is only one purpose in life for the majority of us and that purpose will present itself without a doubt on November 3rd.

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