Sunday, July 12, 2020

114 days until the next election (#4180)

     The hypocrite trump spent time with our injured troops yesterday while for the first time wearing a mask. Well the mask is about time some 4 months after he should have been but the part that irks me is his visiting the troops. He still hasn't braced putin for the bounty he is paying for American troops deaths. Now I know trump has told us that he asked putin if he was in actuality paying to assassinate our troops and putin told him he wasn't. That was good enough for trump because of course he is a better friend to putin than he is to the American populace. Well his slight as I see it by visiting our wounded troops couldn't be more dishonorable!
     It was bad enough that he snuck out of service when America called him but to now try to show concern for our wounded warriors is outside the bounds of acceptable behavior. That hypocrisy of his is built upon his inability to be an American patriot and his behavioral inadequacy as an empathetic human being. The audacity it takes to try to present himself as a real commander in chief makes me cringe at the scope of it. His only reasoning for using our wounded troops as a prop is to try to stem his awful polling numbers. He is like the guy who would steal from your house and then blame you for not having anything. A cad of the worst order!
     But this is nothing new for us who are counting down his days left to smear our collective psyches in the gutter. His utter failure as a human being notwithstanding has left us all in a worst position than if we had no appointed or elected president at all. I am fortunate in that I have already lived through some horrible republican presidents so my finely tuned defenses, although under pressure from the disastrous trump are nevertheless intact. For those who have never been subjected to such an assault on decency and democracy I hope to help in anyway I can. The only strategy going forward for all the rest of us is to unite and find it within us to do everything we can to help rid our nation of the current plague who is literally infecting our minds, souls, and pursuit of happiness.

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