Wednesday, July 15, 2020

111 days left until the election (#4183)

     Now trump want to control the data base for Covisd-19 information. He wants to bypass the CDC so that when the daily numbers come in they can keep it less open to the public. So now that they cannot deny that Covid-19 is not a hoax they are going to disappear the daily knowledge of where and how many are being infected and dying. This trump administration is as low as it gets folks because they don't care about anything, life or death, if it keeps them from winning in November. This latest gambit to take the Covid-19 numbers away from view is atrocious and clear evidence that the trumps will hide the fact of disease and death that is haunting our nation right now!
     I am not sure how this is going to play out but I suspect that there will be enough backlash against it that it will fail. However it is early days yet so the waiting to see begins. At this point it is not whatever trump does as to the politics because it is already baked into the mix that trump has alienated the vast majority of the voting electorate. So him trying to hide the Covid-19 numbers is only going to make his approval rating drop even further. He doesn't respect the many of us enough to think that we can have two types of memory, long and short term. We have seen his act for nearly 4 years now so he cannot hide from his anti-human nature.
     The wanton strategy of setting our children up to die and then the secretive plan to hide the numbers is obviously an abomination that cannot be allowed to happen. If the republican party had any decency they would have stopped trump long ago. So the only other way to end the reign of trump is to stop him in his tracks with mass demonstrations despite Covid-19 or wait until he is voted out of office on November 3, 2020 and then replaced on January 20, 2021. What must also happen is that all republican enablers from the Senate down to local state races have to pay a price or their cowardice. They must be defeated on November 3rd and democrats must replace them. It is the democratic time to change this madness since the republican party has only bowed down to it!

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