Thursday, July 23, 2020

103 days left until the election (#4191)

     The countdown is getting close to going under 100 days. Kind of reminds me of how I will feel when we get to Halloween and there are 3 days left until Joe Biden becomes our president elect. But for now just getting under 100 days is the goal and that is momentous to me. We started out having to endure over 1400 days until the next presidential election and look at us now just 103 days left of that unfathomable amount. Of course every day is excruciating despite the shortness of the coming election but at least the light at the end of the tunnel is getting very bright indeed.
     The constant barrage of trumpian disgust is disheartening but he is consistent so that we know going in that something at least awful will come out of his puny brain that has pain and suffering written all over it for we the working middle poor class. My expectations are low for me thinking living my life during this time would actually be enjoyable. It is like we all have gotten a prison sentence with hard labor. But the time is getting shorter much like daylight this time of year so there is that. His appointed presidency is about to end with no chance for him to remain in his appointed office. He has made sure of that by trying to kill us off without a care in the world about it.
     He is even so cavalier as to want to force our children into unsafe conditions at schools. His child won't be participating in in person schooling but he sure as damn hell wants your child to participate. Even his lackey republican acolytes in the senate won't be sending their children or grandchildren into in person schools but, they like trump, will force your kids to go to in person schools because they want you out in the workforce so as to make trump's economic handling look better than it is. How is that he would sacrifice the lives of your kids so that he could look better? I will tell you how. He cares not for others as long as he can benefit from it. He is a carpetbagger who got elected president so don't expect him to care about your life or the lives of your children.

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