Thursday, July 2, 2020

124 days until the election (#4170)

     The republican party refused to add more stimulus to our citizenry thus forcing many of them to return to jobs that were still at risk of them catching the Covid-19 virus. All so that the job losses earlier in the year could make a comeback and trump could take credit for creating new jobs. The problem is that those jobs are infested jobs. Now those jobs are going to go away again because trump and republicans forced our economy open too soon against sound logical medical advice. As well by not adding more stimulus to our economy the many 10's of millions of folks are left without funds to pay for housing, food, and other necessities to tide them over through the pandemic.
     This is because republicans don't care about the working middle poor class. All they care about is holding power and getting as much wealth to the already filthy wealthy that they can. What we are going to have in the next few days as rents are due and unemployment is difficult to get is an angry mob of citizenry. If trump doesn't demand that his horrible republican senate stop obstructing democratic proposals to get money to the most desperate of souls there will be a reckoning coming that they are not going to like. It is bad enough that the response to the medical emergency of Covid-19 has been abysmal and needless deaths have occured but to then force folks to work in dangerous conditions without an option for caring for their families is beyond any decency that can be imagined.
     With trump and republicans now embroiled in a treasonous act with russia to kill American soldiers for bounty trump and republicans had better do something on some front or their time will not last until the election. When people are forced out of their homes with no income to feed themselves you can bet that the anger will not be polite. If trump was looking to stir up a nation with anger at him and his republican party he has successfully achieved that. Now we wait to see how that anger manifests itself and how much of it boils over into acts of violence and retribution. This is no call to revolt by me it is a staged attempt by republicans to hurt people who are not able to control their own destiny now. For that trump and his republican party will get the deserves they made happen in whatever form that shows itself.

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