Wednesday, July 1, 2020

125 days until the election (#4169)

     Another month down and 4 more to go plus 3 days and we are at the election. We need that election to get here without much more from trump. He is going out of his way to make life miserable for the many of us and we are getting less tolerant by the second. I hope we keep our tempers contained for now and let off steam in the form of swearing and cussing to whatever degree to let us reduce our stress. The more we learn about what trump has done to us behind our back is enough to set us off but we have to keep our cool long enough to make and end to it.
     I am not one to give this advice as I am always plotting some retribution in my head with little restraint. Yet I do restrain from actually doing anything that would harm our democracy and the blue wave that is coming on with a devastating rush. This post today is about controlling a very well deserved anger and instead of lashing out with a fury, I am controlling that anger into positive steps toward ending the republican reign of our national and states governemnts. 125 days is not that long to wait for the next epic chapter in our history as we depose those who would be king!
     I may be getting older and more frequently tired because of that age but it has not dampened the child's spirit that lives within me. I may look my age but my hubris of youth is intact and well. Never have I felt this much angst toward human beings in my lifetime and that includes the nefariousness of nixon and his devious cabal. But to soldier on is my attitude and even if this hill we are climbing never seems to end it will end on November 3rd when we finally are pointed into the correct direction for our nation. The many of us will have grown even more and our voting totals will show that the trumps and republicans of our world will never again fill the lofty seats of government where they treat themselves to our bounty and us to their condescension.

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