Sunday, July 5, 2020

121 days left until the election (#4173)

     Yesterdays news that kanye west is going to run for president is just another republican attempt to keep trump in office. There is no way west will get in as president so the only other reason he has for running is to split the black vote. No doubt he will offer the black vote the things that trump can't as trump has to keep his racists happy. So by west running as an independent he can siphon votes away from Biden which would tighten up some state races. This is how republicans operate. They don't care about the voting populace, they only want to maintain power over us. It is inexplicable and as obvious as hell at the same time.
     Even elon musk has shown his true colors by endorsing west, as if we didn't already know here in California with his threats if we didn't open up for business with the Covid-19 still unabated. What this current timeline in the 2020's has shown us is that those who are out for themselves have exposed themselves much more than not. What we the working middle poor class, who are the vast majority of voters must do is to ignore the nonsense of republicans and remain steadfast in our advocacy for Biden and all democrats on the ballot. Straight democratic ticket voting is our weapon and we must not let that weapon become dull.
     No doubt the idea that west thinks he can be an effective tool for trump is keen with republicans but for we democrats looking in at the futile attempt we know it for what it is. There are 121 days left before we vote and surely the republican party will be throwing any and all ideas out there to try to stem the coming blue wave voting tsunami. We who are not to be fooled must keep our wits about us and keep telling the truth of things and not get caught up in the next shiny object republicans will deploy. If there is one thing we know about republicans it is that the more they try the ridiculous the further they get from the truth. The truth is our ally and let us keep exposing the desperate republican strategy that has no good to it.

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