Thursday, July 30, 2020

96 days left until the election (#4198)

     With the continuing downsizing of our economy and growing strain on our unemployment program republicans are fiddling. They have not even yet begun to negotiate with senate democrats on the stimulus bill that is weeks too late already. They have offered their version of a stimulus plan that is not even a majority opinion in their own caucus. the insanity of all of this on top of today's release of the economic reality in America is a dereliction so extreme that the republican party should be crushed when the voting time comes. Even that, the coming election, is now being floated as illegitimate by an illegitimate appointed president.
     Who in their right mind could have foreseen the absolute implosion of the republican party and our economy? Not only has the trump talking point of a strong economy evaporated nearly overnight but his handling of the pandemic has been so atrocious that we are all in danger of unnecessary deaths beyond any imagination. There have already been a massive amount of unnecessary deaths but that is still just the beginning. Forcing children back into schools where the virus is just waiting to infect is worthy of a death sentence to those who are pushing this. It would be my recommendation to convict of murder any politician who forces a child into school and then that child should die.
     I keep looking at the polling numbers and that trump is still polling within a shot of being returned to the presidency is beyond imaginable to me. He is an utter failure who has no real emotion for all of we Americans. Yet his supporters are of such a denial of reality that they are constantly unable to move from their loyalty to the worst appointed president in the history of our nation. The cult of trump is such that there will always be enough of them to cast some little doubt that trump will be defeated yet the rest of us if we can get our votes counted will surely swamp them with a huge blue tidal wave. The future of our nation is in our hands and what we do with that come November 3rd will tell the tale.

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