Wednesday, July 8, 2020

118 days left until the election (#4176)

     The trump strategy for this election is to have unemployment down into single digits and the stock market above 30,000 points. If this is what reality is he thinks this is enough to get him a victory. His strategists are with him on this but I think his strategists are clinging to anything right now. I will say this though, if trump thinks that the Dow being up and even if unemployment is at 8 or 9 percent that this is somehow a magical recipe for victory he is twisted. He doesn't even consider the russian assassination of our troops and his collusion in that as a factor. He doesn't even consider his attempts to destroy medicare/medicaid/social security as a factor in that either.
     To say that he is delusional without all the other factors he is not considering like women's rights, Covid-19 deaths, and his blatant racism to name a few underlines his delusion as the lesser of possibilities. He has his base of racists which gets him unbelievably about 25%. To say that there are one quarter of American voters who are racist is a sad commentary about our dishonorable values. To get at the other 25% he would need, he must pull in the greedy and selfish. Thus the Dow thinking. Make everyone who can work who can afford to play in the stock market a little bit of coin and all of a sudden the other economic issues don't matter. Like the many who will now have no job to return to once Covid-19 is stabilized and suppressed.
     I don't see that happening in how things have been since February when Covid-19 hit our shores. That trump got greedy with our lives so that he could manipulate the economic numbers so that his devastatingly horrible response to the pandemic would appear less disastrous is criminal yet that didn't stop him from putting his own interests above those of the many. In trump's world, the good of the one, him, is greater than the good of the many. We have had almost three and a half years of trump and his awfulness and for him to think he can be a two term president by fudging numbers that by and large help the wealthy and put more Americans at risk of exposure suspends all reality and principled value we aspire to as a nation.

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